(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Energon Omega Supreme. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Energon Omega Supreme here.)
Boy, I tells ya, the
repaints of the Supreme-sized toys just completely blow their previous
versions out of the water-- it's almost enough to make me wait through
the first version and just buy the second one. (Almost being the
main qualifier, there.) Omega Sentinel just gives Omega Supreme a royal
beatdown in the color scheme department-- he looks fantastic. For one,
the robot mode is no longer a mish-mash of two differently colored vehicles--
now both of the vehicles have the same general colors on them, so it makes
for a much more unified robot mode. As for the color scheme-- black, silver,
and orange/red just look so slagging GOOD on this toy. It's a bit of a
nod back to G1 Omega Sentinel, who were basically sparkless guardians of
Cybertron, led by Omega Supreme. The G1 Omega Sentinels looked just like
Omega Supreme, and had a similar color scheme to Energon Omega Sentinel
here. But Energon Omega Sentinel here improves on his predecessors a little
by adding in more orange and red for some good contrast. And it all works
incredibly well-- the scheme is certainly less kiddy than Omega Supreme's,
and gives the toy a more serious look. Omega Sentinel's also got boatloads
of paint apps-- tons on his arms and chest, especially. My only real complaint
is that the eyes on the secondary head-- seen once you take off the Headmaster
in robot mode-- aren't painted on Sentinel. It's a shame, because I think
that that little bitty head was a really cool idea, and now it just looks
like a lifeless stump without any paint on it. Also, although the robot
head still looks cool, the transparent blue plastic over a solid orange
face doesn't work as well as the transparent red plastic over Omega Supreme's
face did. Omega Sentinel's Headmaster part, being a combination of orange,
silver, and red, looks a little better and more interesting than Omega
Supreme's Headmaster, however.
No mold changes have
been made to Omega Sentinel.
Omega Sentinel is a
fantastic, well-thought-out repaint, and puts the toy within spitting distance
of the "must-buy" category of 9.0 or above, though some of the flaws in
the mold, detailed in Omega Supreme's review, keep it from reaching that
point. Still a pretty good toy, though. Recommended over Omega Supreme.
Review by Beastbot