Emperor Palpatine
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Off-white and some light chalky gray, clear plastic, silver, metallic gunmetal gray, dull pumpkin orange, very deep brown, dull metallic gold, red, light pasty greenish yellow, and transparent light red
Rating: 7.6

    Palpatine's vehicle mode is, appropriately enough, an Imperial Shuttle. This mode LOOKS pretty good. It has the standard colors you'd expect from a Star Wars Transformers, mostly consisting of white and gray-- not exactly eye-catching material, but it is certainly accurate and I couldn't reasonably expect them to deviate from that. The proportions are pretty much spot-on, witht he only real robot extras being that the upper legs obviously form the rear end of this mode with no real engine detailing to meld them in witht he rest of this mode. There's also a bit of a gap between the front half and the back half of the main body on the sides-- it's no huge deal, but it is definitely noticeable. The shuttle also has two fold-out landing gear on the underside of it, and there's a missile that can fire from under the central wing (which becomes the lightsaber in Mech mode). Of course, the cockpit can also open so you can fit a miniature Emperor Palpatine figure inside it. There is, however, one huge flaw that almost negates any positives in this mode-- this mode can't stay together to save its life. The side wings are only held onto the main body by a tiny, little bitty clip, and given that the hinges you fold the wings on are pretty strong, this makes pretty much impossible to move the wings at all without them falling off. The top wing, and the connector piece under it that houses the missile, has an even bigger problem-- it's supposed to peg into a hole on the top side of the main body of the shuttle, but the peg doesn't fit. At all. It's far too small for its hole, and offers absolutely no resistance if you turn the mode on its side-- it's little better than not having any peg & peg hole there whatsoever. Such HUGE oversights in quality control are inexcusable, and really really hurt this mode.
    Emperor Palpatine's Mech mode is a big improvement over his vehicle mode, in terms of quality control and, to a lesser extent, looks as well. His proportions are pretty much perfect, which is very rare for a Star Wars Transformer-- the only slight oddity is how the upper arms start at the back end of the shoulders instead of the front end, but that's minor and easily overlooked. He also has very good articulation-- he can move at the head, shoulders (at three points), elbows (at two points), wrists, waist, hips (at three points), and knees. The cockpit forms a very nice chest, with only a little gap in between the front and the back of the main body, and the use of the wings in this mode is very creative-- the largest middle wing becomes a big (and thus very effective) arm-mounted shield, while the side wings become the Emperor's "cloak". And the wings actually STAY where they're supposed to be, unlike in the vehicle mode. There are two, more minor, problems I have in this mode, however. First, the face is just plain ugly. I mean, I know it's supposed to resemble Emperor Palpatine's face and all, but man, they REALLY went overboard with the eyebags, and the way the head is nearly triangle-shaped looks pretty weird. Also, because the aforementioned peg on the bottom of the missile-firing piece is too small, Emperor Palpatine simply cannot hold it effectively. He can hold the lightsaber fairly well, though.
    Emperor Palpatine looks nice in both modes, and has one of the best Mech modes of any Star Wars Transformer. Unfortunately, his vehicle mode falls apart if you look at it the wrong way, and the bad quality control in that respect is inexcusable for a final release of a product. As such, I'm still hesitant to recommend it unless you keep him in robot mode or are just a big fan of the character.

Emperor Palpatine Bio:
The hate is swelling within Emperor Palpatine. It gives him focus, vanquishes his fears and makes him more powerful than the blind and arrogant Jedi Knights. After rebuilding Darth Vader's body and warping his mind, the Emperor uses the dark side of the Force to change into shuttle mode. He transports Vader to an undisclosed location in the Outer Rim where he will complete his Sith training and make him the most feared villain the galaxy has ever known.

Review by Beastbot

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