
Full Name: Um... Paul. Paul Paul Paulman, perhaps? Hrmmm....

Mutant Power: N/A; Paul's a regular human.

Voice Actor: Sam Vincent

First Appearance: "Strategy X"

Back Story: Paul is (was?) Scott's friend at Bayville High School. And... that's it. It's unknown what his reaction was after finding out that Scott was a Mutant (beyond the obvious disbelief right after it happened, as seen above), so I don't know if he's still Scott's friend after all this mess. I'd wager he's not, though.

Personality: Paul's a bit of a smart aleck, a bit of a wisecracker. But he was good friends with Scott, and he knew when to get serious most of the time (you HAVE to know when to get serious if you want to be friends with Scott...). He also served as a plot device now and then (although you didn't hear that last part from me).

Final Reflections: It was always nice to see a few "normal" humans at Bayville High that you saw repeatedly throughout the series, because otherwise it'd seem like the X-Men were living in a world of their own. Too many of them- such as Paul here- seemed to dissappear once the focus shifted away from school starting with Season 3, and I really would've liked to see if Paul and Scott stayed friends or not. Hrrm....

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