Powerpinch's Beast ModePowerpinch's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Orange and black, with some silver and yellow
Rating: 6.4

    Beast mode is an earwig bug.(Don’t ask me what it is, I’m not sure either.) Although his tail bends in an awkward way in this mode, and his insect legs don’t hold him up, he looks pretty nice in this mode. His robot legs are pretty easily visible under his abdomen, however, and the detailing is only so-so.
    Robot mode is an organic-looking robot with halves of an insect’s mouth for hands. (Not much of ones.) His insect legs can fold back in this mode, but they still get in the way. His giant pincers can’t stay in place well when closing and opening, which is kind of annoying. Other than that, this mode is pretty nicely done. His transformation is hard for a basic, so be sure to read the instructions.
    A good basic transformer; if you can still find it and like a transforming challenge, go ahead and get him.

Powerpinch Bio:
FUNCTION: Infantry
Despite his long body length and the giant pincher claws he drags behind him, Powerpinch is surprisingly fast: six speedy legs power him forward over almost any obstacle. His greatest assets are the powerful pincher that are strong enough to sever most enemies in half. And as all Maximals know, those pincher claws are as dangerous in insect form as they are when he converts to robot mode, which is why they never underestimate the ferocity of this truly evil insect.
Strength: 8.0
Speed: 9.0
Rank: 2.0
Firepower: 4.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Endurance: 4.0
Courage: 7.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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