Season II, Episode II:

"Power Surge"

Writer: Doug Molitor

Director: Gary Graham

Original Air Date: October 13, 2001

Introducing: Beast (Human form)

Synopsis/Review: This episode begins during a school assembly at Bayville. Principal Kelly's presenting the Soccer MVP trophy, and it goes to... Jean Grey! (Big surprise...) Jean goes up to accept the award, and all of the X-Kids are clapping away... except for Rogue, who's sitting far away from the others, next to Riley. Riley asks Rogue why she isn't clapping for her friend, and Rogue responds with a sneer that Jean gets enough lovey-dovey attention from the others at the school, she doesn't need anymore.
    Anyway, Jean goes up to accept the award, and is all happy and stuff, and starts to say a little speech of thanks... when suddenly, she hears Rogue's callous thoughts, for no apparent reason. Jean stares for a bit at Rogue- she hadn't purposely read her mind- but then continues on with her speech, at least for a little. However, soon other students thoughts in the auditorium start to be heard inside her head, and soon she can hear all of the students thoughts at once- it's understandably deafening. Jean suddenly yells out, "Stop it! I can't hear myself think!", and nearly collapses, dropping and breaking her trophy.
    As soon as it started, though, it's all over, and everything's fine again. Jean looks up, completely confused, and picks up her smashed trophy. She makes a half-way funny joke to lighten up the confused masses, albeit it doesn't really work much... She continues on with her speech (still a bit thrown by the whole experience), and Scott, out in the audience, seems very worried about what just happened...
    After the assembly, Avalanche meets Kitty, and asks Kitty if he can walk her to her next class- in an oddly nice way. Kitty, even more uncharacteristically, accepts politely. I guess it had to do with that cut scene in "Growing Pains" of Lance saving her, or something. But he's tried to kill her several MORE times....
    Anyway, Scott goes up to Jean, asking her if everything's okay. Jean responds (unconvincingly) that she's fine, she just got a bit of stage fright. Scott isn't entirely convinced, but Jean insists her alibi is true. Getting ready to leave, Jean asks Scott if he'll meet her at Duncan's tonight. Scott doesn't know what Jean's talking about- apparently, Duncan didn't invite him to the party (again, big surprise). Jean then invites Scott along- be there for her, okay? It'll be fun. Scott's still a bit wary of the whole situation, but accepts anyway.
    Back with Lance and Kitty, they're in their next class- Chemistry, as it turns out. Lance and Kitty are chatting it up like they're old friends (very odd...) when the new teacher comes in. He introduces himself as Mr. McCoy- he'll also be a phys ed teacher, too, as the school's apparently a little short of staff right now. He also says that today... they're going to make a stinkbomb! Lance and Kitty glance at each other mischieviously, heh.
    Later the night, Scott's getting ready to go to Duncan's party and heads out, only to accidentally bump into Kitty, who's trying to get rid of the stinkbomb smell on her clothes... Teehee. He also passes by Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Jubilee, and Iceman, who are each doing their own, slightly funny thing. After slipping on Iceman's ice, Scott finally manages to make it to his car, and drives off to Duncan's party.
    He arrives at Duncan's house (after getting bonked on the head by a football coming in), and goes to "mingle". Rogue and Riley are already at the party, and as soon as Scott comes in, Rogue decides it's time to leave. She's spent enough time "celebrating Jean", anyway. Makes you wonder why she was there in the first place, but meh. Riley catches on that Rogue definitely has a thing for Scott, but Rogue, of course, denies it, even though it's fairly obvious that she does. But, after all, what chances does she have with Scott, since she can't even touch him?
    Meanwhile, Scott and Duncan are engaged in a little game of ping-pong, with Jean and Terran watching them. It's obvious Scott and Duncan are competing in more than just a game, though- Duncan's trying to show off to Jean, and Scott's trying to show that he can do better than Duncan. Jean finally realizes what's going on, and stops the game, taking aside Duncan. She starts to explain to Duncan that Scott is her friend, and if Duncan's going to like her, then he'd better get along with Scott, too. Duncan just shrugs it off in his usual jerkish manner, and tries to dance with Jean. Jean at first tells him to stop it, until her telepathic powers suddenly start to go crazy again- she starts to hear everybody's thoughts at the party, and she clutches her head in pain from all the voices, pushing the clueless Duncan away as she heads out to the house's balcony, trying to get away from all the "voices". It doesn't seem to work, though. Scott sees Jean's odd behavior and goes out to ask her what's wrong. He startles Jean, though, and she throws Scott off of the balcony via her psychic powers before she suddenly realizes what she's done. Her little "psychic outburst" suddenly stops, though, and she realizes what she's done and stops Scott right before he falls into the pool below.
    Duncan comes out, though, and asks what's wrong, startling Jean into dropping Scott (rather hilariously) in the pool. Duncan hears the splash, and asks Summers what the heck he's doing. "Um... checking your chlorine level!" Heheh.
    Later, after the party, Scott and Jean enter the main room of the Institute, Scott still squeezing the extra water out of the shirt. He's understandably a little miffed at Jean, who was the one who asked him to come to the party in the first place. Jean retorts that he startled her- that was why it happened. Suddenly, Rogue and Riley come out of another hallway, Rogue apparently having shown the more public places of the Institute to her friend. Xavier (who was there the whole time, by the way) and the others are a bit surprised at the unexpected visit. Shadowcat phases from behind Riley and Rogue, asking the other X-Men how she smells now. Riley turns around in surprise, wondering where Kitty came from...
    In the next scene, we see Riley taking off, after an apology from Rogue. Xavier reprimands Rogue- she knows that no one is suppposed to visit the Institute unscheduled, for obvious reasons. Rogue's still miffed, though, and starts to go up the steps to her room. Jean accidentally reads her mind on the way up, and, not realizing that she did it and thinking Rogue actually said something, responds that "That's not true, Xavier treats all of us the same!" Rogue's taken aback that Jean would actually have the nerve to probe her mind without asking, and definitely lets Jean know that. Jean realizes that it was Rogue's thoughts she "heard", and responds that she didn't mean to, but Rogue doesn't believe her, of course, and continues up the stairs.
    Later on, in the Institute's "living room" of sorts, Xavier comes up to Jean, asking her what's going on. Jean responds that she's just had a rough week- first soccer, than Scott and Duncan going at it, and there's team tryouts tomorrow... Xavier says that that COULD be it, but he suspects that Jean's powers are growing. He wants to help her deal with it, but Jean responds that it really is just fatigue- she'll be better tomorrow. Xavier accepts Jean's explanation (albeit he doesn't look completely convinced), and lets Jean go to bed.
    The next day, Jean, Scott, and Kitty are at the school tryouts (among others, of course), trying out for the various school sports team. Duncan and Scott are really intent on beating each other- although Duncan cheats eventually during a race and pushes Scott off of the track, Scott's glasses falling off as he stumbles off. Mr. McCoy (also a phys ed teacher, remember?) sees this, and immediately tells Duncan that he's off the team. Duncan protests, but Mr. McCoy's firm in his standing. After all, cheaters aren't wanted on a school track team. He then goes and gives Scott his glasses- it's hinted that he apparently knows about Scott's "problem"...
    Jean, however, soon has another "psychic attack" at the tryouts, this one worse than the previous ones. Not only does she read everyone's thoughts unintentionally, but her telekinetic powers start to go crazy, too! A nearby javelin suddenly levitates itself and zooms towards Kitty and the other team members who are getting ready for a track tryout. Lance, seeing this, manages to "rumble" the ground enough to send Kitty and the others tumbling, saving them from the javelin. Kitty notices this, and looks at Lance, who merely shrugs and smiles.
    Two more shotputs are levitated and go off in various directions. (Odd no one else notices this.. Granted, the tryout stadium IS nearly empty, but still...) Mr. McCoy manages to catch one, and Scott secretly shoots the other shotput from striking Duncan in the back of the head (awww....) sending it crashing into Principal Kelly's office. Poor Kelly...
    Scott immediately comes up to Jean- he KNOWS something is wrong this time. Jean, amid sobs, says that she can't control her powers anymore, and faints.
    Scott and Kitty immediately take Jean back to the Institute. They tell Xavier the sitch, and Xavier, Scott, and Logan take Jean up to the medlab. Things immediately start to hover around via Jean's uncontrollable telekinesis, and Scott and Logan get out of the medlab as Xavier reaches out telepathically to Jean. He tries to get her to stay calm and control her palm, but Jean is pretty panicky, and can't manage to retain her self-control. A huge psychic wave suddenly emits from her mind, blasting Xavier out of the medlab, and collapsing an entire wall of it! Scott and Logan, outside in the hallway, help Xavier out of the wall wreckage, as Jean's uncontrollable powers suddenly lift her up into the middle of the room, all kinds of stuff starting to swirl around her in a psychic whirlwind. Logan, Scott, and Xavier relucantly retreat downstairs.
    They come out of the elevator, and Kitty, Rogue, Nightcrawler, and Spyke are waiting for them. Kitty asks if everything's all right, and Xavier replies that it isn't, right as a huge tremble comes from upstairs. He relates to them what happened, and Rogue then comes up with an idea- if Jean's having a problem controlling her powers, maybe she can help drain some off by touching Jean. It's risky, but Xavier accepts, and they all head back up to the med lab again.
    What follows is a pretty cool "fight scene" in which the X-Men use their various powers to deflect/dodge all the stuff thrown out by Jean's psychic whirlwind. This includes a funny bit in which Kitty phases through various stuff, only to have it bonk Kurt in the head, heh. Rogue eventually manages to get into the psychic whirlwind, grabbing onto a hanging wire and edging her way towards Jean, she eventually makes contact, draining some of Jean's power off, and then is throw by the slightly-weakening whirlwind into Scott, who catches Rogue and asks Jean what's wrong. Oddly, Jean's voice comes out of Rogue. Jean's scared, as she can't control her powers. She's trying hard to even make out Scott's voice as is. Scott tells Jean that he believes in her, etc., focus on his voice, she can do it. Very earnestly, too- just a bit cliche, is all. Jean eventually manages to control her powers to the point where the whirlwind stops, and Jean collapses back onto the medical bench. Scott runs up to her, leaving behind Rogue, who's obviously a bit jealous of Scott's affection for Jean.
    Later on, Rogue is staring out at the Institute's yard when Scott comes up to her. Scott asks Rogue (not in an accusing tone, mind you) why she risked her life to help Jean- after all, it's well known that Rogue and Jean aren't the best of friends. Rogue responds meekly that... you know, they're all here for each other. Scott smiles at Rogue's answer, and reaffirms it- it goes both ways, and they're all here for Rogue, too. Rogue just smiles at this, an emotion very rarely seen on her face, heh....
    Later, Jean's sitting out in the lawn when Scott comes up to her. Jean's doing better- the Professor's helped get her powers a bit more under control. Scott hands Jean some roses- unfortunately, they were sent by Duncan. Jean just smirks a bit, and she and Scott talk for a while. Scott knows just how Jean is feeling after the whole ordeal- she'd rather not just talk about it. Jean responds that that is exactly how she feels, and that's what she likes about Scott- he knows her better than anyone ever has, or ever will. And she takes the roses, smiles, and walks back to the Institute, Scott staring after her. Fin.

Last Words: This was a very good episode, and rather well-written for the most part. We get a much more in-depth look at the teenage X-Men's social lives, and their interaction with the "normal" kids at Bayville. The relationship between Scott and Jean, Jean and Rogue, and Rogue and Riley is also fleshed out quite a bit, too. We learn that Jean and Rogue really are not fond of each other at ALL, which is understandable, as they're complete opposites. Also, we learn that Rogue really has a thing for Scott. It was hinted at in "Turn of the Rogue", but it was never really confirmed until now. This gives her another reason to not like Jean. The appearance of Hank McCoy (Beast) in human form was rather intriguing, and leaves a good opening for the future on why, exactly, he looks like a human, as opposed to his more well-known blue and hairy form. The romance-related lines in this episode were rather cliche and corny, though, and one has to wonder why no one noticed Jean's powers at the team tryouts, and where Storm and the New Mutants were during Jean's psychic outburst at the Mansion. Still, the episode was pretty well-written overall, and definitely worth watching, especially if you like that lovey-dovey stuff, heh.

(Note: "Power Surge" aired after the episode "Badda Bing, Badda Boom". However, according to the official production schedule, this episode actually takes place before "Badda Bing, Badda Boom", which is why it is ordered first.)

Overall Rating: 8/10 Great

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