Megatron (Sharkticon)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Voyager
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark semi-metallic brown, light sky blue, dull pink, dark pale purple, and some light semi-metallic gray, silver, pale metallic green, and light glossy green
Rating: 8.5

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Prime voyager Megatron. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Prime voyager Megatron figure here.)

    Like most of the Beast Hunters "upgrades", Sharkticon Megatron uses the same base mold as the original 2012 Prime toy, but with extensive remolding done to give him a much more bestial look. In case you couldn't figure it out from the name, Megs now looks like he's been crossed with a Sharkticon-- to the same "extreme" extent that most of the other Beast Hunters Autobots & Decepticons have been, but with a bit more focus specifically on sharks. Megatron looked evil before, but now he looks positively monstrous-- nearly all of his pieces have been remolded, aside from some minor robot parts like his upper legs and arms, kneecaps, hands, and feet. He's now got large fins molded onto his lower arms, coral-like decorations on his shoulders, scale-like details on his legs, and, oh, yeah, a HUGE TERRIFYING SHARK MONSTER MAW on his chest. Not only does all this make his robot mode look considerably more distinct and fearsome, but it makes his vehicle mode actually LOOK like something. Granted, it still doesn't have an Earth equivalent, but the way the wings now look like scaled fins, the weird cockpit extension now looks like a genuine shark monster head, and how there's a piece that specifically covers up his robot head in vehicle mode are all big improvements. Of course, since the core design isn't changed he still has all that undercarriage junk, but it's still a pretty substantial improvement. Megatron's robot head has also been remolded to look like he's part fish now, with no teeth and fish-like lips. It looks decent enough, but honestly this is the only part where I felt the original did it better-- his new headsculpt just doesn't look as fierce without his sharp teeth. Megatron's fusion cannon has been replaced with a "Sharktooth Spear", which has an incredible amount of mold detailing covering every square inch, whether they're fake "eyes" and a "mouth", jagged edges for the weapons, or more armored scale-like parts. This weapon can change from a cannon-like weapon that looks like it fires out of the "fish mouth" to a long double-bladed weapon he can wield in robot mode-- and yes, the weapon CAN lock into this mode by pushing the handle down, so all in all, it's a very cool accessory. That said, there is one downside-- the handle for it to store on Megatron is a bit overly long, due to it having to fit over the fins poking out from Megatron's lower arms. This makes its placement look off in vehicle mode.
    As for Sharkticon Megatron's color scheme, it takes his overall dull scheme with a bit of gray and adds some traditional G1 Sharkticon colors to it. His dull colors of light gray and the new dark brown are made more interesting due to the fact that there's a bit of glitter in both of those shades to make them look semi-metallic. The sky blue and pink paint apps are really what make Megatron's color scheme pop, though, both contrasting incredibly excellently with his other dark, dull colors in that weird late-80s Sharkticon manner. There's also a bit of dark purple on his legs, chest, and weapon, though I wish it was just a tad lighter so it could contrast both with the dark brown and the light blue-- as it is, it doesn't show up well against the brown in normal lighting. There's also a bit of silver for the shark teeth, some light green for his robot eyes and fake "shark eyes" on both his main body and his weapon, and even a bit of metallic green solely reserved for his upper chest. One final note is that there's a really cool Decepticon/Sharkticon symbol on the top of his vehicle mode, which looks like the Decepticon symbol suddenly went insane and demonic, with its wider eyes and long, gaping sharktooth jaw. Wonderfully done.
    Sharkticon Megatron is one of my favorite Beast Hunters upgrades. Beyond being incredibly inventive overall, it also makes his alt mode look a lot more sensical and hides that all-important robot head in said mode. He's also just got some great, monstrous fish detailing that really makes this far better than your usual Megatron upgrade, and a color scheme with a lot of paint (albeit none on the back of his arm-fins, sadly) that makes him look a bit loud in that late '80s/early '90s way that a lot of the Beast Hunters upgrades seem to call back to. An easy recommendation if you're at all into the "Beast Hunters" aesthetic.

Megatron (Sharkticon) Bio & Instruction Story:
The invincible Decepticon tyrant is repaired, refitted, and hungry for revenge on Optimus Prime!

(Continued from Chapter 21, Deluxe Vertebreak)
Trapped in a tangle of ancient wreckage, his comm unit so damaged that he can monitor what is happening on Earth but cannot transmit, Megatron seethes with rage. He gropes around in the pitch black silence of the ancient wreck, but he feels nothing but rubble. Until suddenly, his hand happens upon something new. It is the grip of a weapon-- unclaimed by the Autobot raid-- one that is familiar, though he never thought he would hold it again. He feels memories stir deep within his data banks, and remembers a time long ago on a world consumed by savage hunger. His damaged systems surge to life. The jagged metal pinning him shifts, then twists and warps, bonding itself with his body, repairing damage, but also changing him. His nightvision systems restored, he looks down at the weapon in his hand. It is an object of incredible power-- enough, perhaps, to bring the Predacons under control, and do away with the Autobots for good.
(Continued in Chapter 23, Deluxe Night Shadow Bumblebee)

Sharktooth Spear:
-Fires swarms of Energon-seeking micromissiles that explode on impact with target.
-Blade is surrounded by an antimatter warp field that destroys whatever it touches.
-Channels Dark Energon remnants still inside Megatron for added destructive power.

Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

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