(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the original Prime deluxe Smokescreen toy. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the original Prime deluxe Smokescreen here.)
Prowl's color scheme
generally follows the all-too-classic scheme now of traditional black-and-white
police car colors-- which are, of course, appropriate to the alt mode.
He's primarily white-- particularly in vehicle mode-- but he has many of
his traditional black details, like the curved design on the front with
"POLICE" on the rear tailfin. He also has rather neat "Autobot-symbol-inside-a-star"
badges on his car doors and on the front section. He has a fair amount
of that very boring, blah milky gray, though thankfully it's only really
visible in robot mode. Just by themselves, these colors would make for
a very boring, monochrome color scheme-- thankfully, the accents help Prowl
to stand out a bit more. The transparent purplish blue plastic used for
his windows is a VERY nice-looking shade, looking like darkly tinted windows
(and they are dark enough where you can't see the robot bits inside them
in vehicle mode-- always a plus if there isn't a detailed vehicle interior,
in my opinion). The transparent orangish yellow plastic used for his headlights
and robot eyes is also a really nice shade that contrasts with the black
and white and makes the scheme pop a bit more. On a lesser note, on Prowl's
chest in robot mode his fake "headlights" are painted a rather nice metallic
silvery blue, while there's a couple of seafoam green paint apps near his
waist, which really looks nice against the black; I wish these accent colors
had been used a bit more on this toy, particularly in vehicle mode. The
back half of said mode is almost completely devoid of anything but white,
which makes it look rather bland (thankfully the robot mode breaks the
colors up more).
Three mold changes have
been made to Prowl. The first is a new headsculpt, which looks pretty boss
and more or less exactly what you'd expect Prowl's traditional headsculpt
to look like in the Prime aesthetic, but with larger eyes that look like
"cop shades"-- a really nice effect. The light red on Prowl's crest also
helps to add a bit more to his color scheme, which is always appreciated.
A siren bar has also been added to the top of the car mode, with both the
transparent red and transparent purplish blue sirens looking quite nice
against the white. Unfortunately, on the downside Smokescreen's rubbery
"Beast Hunters" armor and net have been scrapped for this toy (despite
being shown in the instructions), meaning you're getting a bit less toy
for the same price, which is lame. It also makes Prowl the only deluxe-and-up
Beast Hunters Autobot or Decepticon that doesn't have any Beast-ish features
to him, which makes him look a little out-of-place in the line.
Beast Hunters deluxe
Prowl is an okay redeco of Smokescreen. Despite some great color choices
like the shade of transparent purplish blue and transparent orangish yellow,
as a whole he's a bit less eye-catching than Smokescreen, and he's missing
the Beast Hunters armor that the first version of this mold had. Prowl's
headsculpt looks better than Smokescreen's, but unless you're a huge Prowl
fan I'd get the initial release of this mold instead and not both versions--
especially since both Smokescreen and Prowl have white as a major color,
so they look a bit too similar (particularly in vehicle mode.) (This said,
because of the new headsculpt I'd recommend this version over the Legends
version of Prowl.)
(Continued from Chapter 23, Deluxe
Night Shadow Bumblebee)
The moment Megatron fires the first
blast, Prowl has his tactical subroutines run an analysis, but it's not
until he sees the Predacons surging into the sky to attack the Decepticon
leader that he really understands what's happening. Even Megatron fears
the consequences should Predaking learn that the other beasts are still
alive. So he's taking the most direct route, hoping to destroy the Predacons
before their existence ever becomes a problem. Bumblebee converts to robot
mode and moves to charge towards the action, but Prowl stops him. Why commit
themselves to a battle when they can sit back and watch Megatron and the
Predacons tear each other apart?
Firelance Missile:
-Warhead is specifically tuned to track
Predacon energy signatures.
-Even a near miss can short out flight
systems, causing Predacons to crash to the ground.
-Allows Prowl to also fire a short-range
burst of fire from his grille.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 9.0
Review by Beastbot