Professor Xavier
Professor X (communicating telepathically)Professor X

Full Name: Charles Xavier

Mutant Power: Strong telepathic ability, ability to create "psychic blasts" of energy to disable others

Voice Actor: David Kaye (who also does the voice of Megatron in Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Armada, and Energon, the voice of Savage/Noble in Beast Machines, and the voice of Apocalypse)

First Appearance: "Strategy X"

Back Story: Professor Xavier was always a genius, and was extremely gifted in his pursuit of science. He discovered when he was young that he possessed a strong telepathic ability. Soon afterwards, he committed his life to studying the mysterious "X-Gene", as he called it. He met Magneto sometime later in his life, and the two became friends for a while, despite their opposite views on mankind. They eventually agreed to go their seperate ways, although they still remained good acquaintances- at least until certain events in Season 1 changed that, heheh. Anyway, Xavier "discovered" Storm and Wolverine while he was a professor at a local college, and supposedly quit his job there after he had a stroke of genius. Using his massive fortune (supposedly gained through family inheritance), he constructed a mansion for himself and any other Mutant that wished to join him, Storm, and Wolverine there. He and the other teachers would help the students hone their abilities so their gifts wouldn't become too much of a burden. (All of this backstory was given via the Evo comic series.) Xavier has also recently discovered that he has a son, David, born during a short marriage he had had with a woman named Gabrielle in the distant past. David had severe schizophrenia, though, and his alternate personality, Lucas, tricked Xavier into blocking off the other personalities from having control over David's body.

Personality: Professor Xavier is usually a very calm and caring individual, yet still very curious and fascinated by the extraordinary powers that Mutants seem to have. He loves science, although he knows what line not to cross with his students, so they don't get too uncomfortable at the Mansion. So, he doesn't do any weird experiments on them, or anything like that. Heh. However, if disobeyed repeatedly, Xavier can become a stern "parent" in a nano, so people know not to cross him. Xavier is rather bitter and impatient on any subject concerning his short marriage with Gabrielle, though, and prefers to focus on things he enjoys, such as studying Mutants. He's also pretty bummed that he played a vital role in the development of his son's schizonphrenia (by leaving him abandoned all those years, even though Xavier didn't even know about him) and the subsequent blocking off of David's true personality from his "evil" side, Lucas, who now has control over David's body.

Final Reflections: Evo Xavier was a bit more caring individual than any of the other versions of the character, so I liked that aspect of him-- it made him more likable of a character and made the X-Men's cause seem more noble. I would've liked a bit more focus on him, as even the episode that the creators said "focused" on him actually focused more on Lucas. He just seemed to be a bit of an encourager- I would have liked him to have faced a few more tribulations of his own. But he still was a very enjoyable character.

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