Quicksilver (Normal)

Real Name: Pietro Maximoff

Mutant Power: Superhuman speed; thicker-than-normal eyewalls so he can keep his eyes open when going at such high speeds

Voice Actor: Richard Cox

First Appearance: "Speed and Spyke"

Back Story: Pietro and his fraternal twin sister, Wanda, were both born by an unknown woman after she had a short relationship with Magneto. Unknown if the woman is still alive, or if she left Magneto- she hasn't even been mentioned yet. Anyway, sometime in his late childhood or early teen years, Pietro was moved from his father Magneto to... someplace else. Apparently, Magneto didn't have any time for Pietro anymore, what with wanting to conquer humanity and all. It wasn't revealed where Pietro was put during this time, but when he was in 10th grade or so, he had a little run-in with Evan Daniels. Y'see, the two had been friendly rivals for sometime now, and then Evan found out about Pietro's powers one night when Pietro was raiding the local school's lockers. Although Pietro initially got away, he was eventually caught by Jean, Scott, and Evan, and was put in jail... for a little while, anyway, until Magneto broke him out, in exchange for joining the Brotherhood. Pietro was always the Brotherhood member that stayed the farthest away from the others, and although he still interacted with the other members, he was absent during many scenes involving the team, off doing his own thing. When Mystique and the Brotherhood broke off from Magneto, Pietro did as well... or at least, so it seemed. It was revealed much later that Pietro was actually in cahoots with his father the whole time, sort of acting like a "spy" for him. So, Pietro betrayed the Brotherhood at the end of Season 2, staying with Magneto's team for a while. Until a short while after Wanda left the Brotherhood (temporarily), in which Magneto assigned him back at the Brotherhood, taking advantage of both Wanda's and Mystique's absence at the time. Quicksilver is currently in charge of the Brotherhood, much to the other member's annoyance. And, according to Xavier's visions at the end of the series, it looks like he'll be in the Brotherhood for a looong time to come. The other members are forced to obey him, though, if they want to have a shot at joining Magneto's team...

Personality: Pietro's a snide, big-headed jerk. Yup, yup, yup. He's also my third favorite character on the show, next to Toad and Boom Boom. (Why do I always like the jerks?) He takes almost anything with a smirk on his face, and is probably sarcastic more than any other character on the show. He's always thought he's better than everyone else (with the exception of Magneto, whom he admires, despite his father's abandonment of him a while back). As such, his ego is his only real downfall- he's really good at using his powers, and he knows it. Well, that, and he's a bit too impatient for his own good, but I suppose this comes with his powers. He loooves his powers, by the way, and is probably one of the most effective teenage Brotherhood members, next to Scarlet Witch, of course. Speaking of Wanda, she's really the only person Pietro's actually scared of, it seems. Due to her power, of course, and the fact that she hates Pietro and Magneto VERY much for leaving her locked up in that maximum security mental hospital for all those years. So Pietro usually runs and hides whenever she's around. At least 'till the middle of Season 3, when Wanda had her past memories altered by Mastermind so that she lost any recollection of her time in the mental hospital. So now she is sorta neutral with Pietro and Magneto, much to Pietro's relief. Pietro's also a dang good actor, as he pulled off being loyal to the Brotherhood for so long. Pietro also has a pretty good grudge against Evan, who, y'know, sent him to jail and all that.

Final Reflections: Evo Quicksilver was a such a cool character; witty, sarcastic, a pain in the butt, and yet even he had his scared side (as revealed whenever he's near Wanda). He was pretty hilarious a good deal of the time, too. And his voice actor definitely seemed to get a kick out of playing the part- Quicksilver's "YEAH, BABY!" as he's speeding by still stay in your mind (in a good way, heh) months after you hear it the first time.

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