Rampage Toy
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Ultra
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Purple, grey-black, black, silver, red, orange, chrome orange, and chrome red, with some yellow and neon green
Rating: 8.0

    Beast mode is a metallized king crab. Almost half hiss body weight is hiss claws! Unless you look on the bottom, there are no extras in this mode, and it fits together very well, but doesn’t snap together easily. He can’t stand on his crab legs, though, so he tends to rest on his belly.
    Vehicle mode is a crab with his legs and claws turned into tank treads with a gun sticking out from under his head. This mode is EXTREMELY hard to transform into, because his tank treads can’t roll well in many different configurations, so it involves some playing around with his crab legs. If you can get it, it looks nice, though. As he rolls along, his cannon rotates and fires, which is a nice effect.
    Robot mode is nice-looking, but has a lot of extras. His crab legs stick out everywhere and get in the way a lot. He can’t stand up well because of all these extras. His claws on his back also stick out a lot, too. His shoulder armor probably sticks out the most, but it doesn’t get in the way as much as the others. His crab antennae stick out a bit on his chest as well. His chest and legs are well structured, though, and his face is one of the most detailed ones there is in the Beast Wars line. He has a missle launcher that can fire three missles by rotating it, but you can accidently fire them easily. He has another small gun, but this is sort of easy to lose.
    A nice-looking transformer, although he is hard to transform to in vehicle mode and has a lot of extras in robot mode.

Rampage Bio:
The result of an experiment gone awry, Rampage is an evil titan devoid of mercy. Calculating and fearsome, he is a legend among Cybertrons, and it is rumored that his spark cannot be extinguished. In king crab mode Rampage uses his hulking claws to generate colossal tidal waves, induce earthquakes, and trigger landslides. Though his bulk hinders his overall dexterity, Rampage makes good use of his impenetrable armor and multi-weapons arsenal in crab, tank and robot modes. Galva-conductors on his back channel deadly electric currents that he disperses at will. Rampage customarily activates is Gatling cannon to finish off his enemies in a deluge of cluster missiles. All Cybertrons fear his unmatched aggression.
Strength: 10+
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 10+
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 10.0
Firepower: 10+
Skill: 9.0

Review by Beastbot

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