Razorbeast's Beast ModeRazorbeast's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Red and tan, with spots of black and yellow
Rating: 5.7

    Beast mode is a warthog. Looks very nice in this mode, although he has an odd tan stripe running down his back. The robot legs are somewhat apparent from a horizontal or rear view, however. The articulation in this mode is also very limited, as he can only move his legs.
    Robot mode is disappointing, however. Although his basic body structure is nice, he has an extremely large “backpack” of his robot parts on his back, making them stick out and interfere a lot. However, the backpack is not quite as big as, say, Rattrap's. Also, his gun is his hair in beast mode, which is a very odd idea. This mode has very good poseability.
    An okay transformer, but it has its downsides. Somewhat recommended.

Razorbeast Bio:
FUNCTION: Infantry
An infantry soldier with the power of a Predacon twice his size! Stubborn, aggressive and always eager to fight, Razorbeast battles with the ferocity of a starving pit bull! Even fellow Maximals try to stay on his good side, although he would never dare to disobey a direct order from Optimus Primal, who he respects as both a leader and comrade.
Strength: 9.2
Speed: 4.5
Rank: 5.6
Firepower: 6.3
Intelligence: 6.2
Endurance: 8.1
Courage: 10.0
Skill: 7.9

Review by Beastbot

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