Retrax's Beast ModeRetrax's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: White, black, yellow, light green, red-orange, and dark transparent green
Rating: 5.9

    Beast mode is a pillbug. Looks very nice; no extras(except for on the bottom, but usually there are). It can roll up into a ball, and looks nice, but can’t roll very well because of his pincers and tail slasher. This "rolling action" also hinders any body movement except for this, though. The tail slasher and pincers are both activated by pushing them back into the body, locking them in place, and then pressing a button to release them. The antennae are individually articulated, which is a nice touch. The detailing in this mode is also very good as well.
    Robot mode is very disappointing. Almost his entire body is an extra; his entire pillbug body is sticking out of his back. His hands also can’t move much; they stay in one of two positions, due to the rolling action; stuck to his sides, or clamped to his chest like he's hiding something. His legs are skinny and don’t hold him up well, but his face looks cool, like a gas mask with horns.
    A nice looking toy in beast mode, but not very good in his robot mode.

Retrax Bio:
FUNCTION: Desert Demolitions
Burrowing deep into desert sand dunes, Retrax survives in a series of cool, cavernous tunnels lined with the remains of fallen enemies. His greatest defense is his ability to curl into a ball and escape danger by racing across the desert like a turbocharged tire screaming down a mountain. Or, when attacking, he can roll over a similar-sized enemy and crush their body upon impact, then use his powerful front pinchers to dissect them in seconds.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 1.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 7.0
Firepower: 2.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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