Rhinox Toy
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Green, tan, light brown, and black, with some red and gold
Rating: 6.1

    Beast mode is a rhino, and there are no obvious clues that this is a transformer, except for the lines in the “flesh” of the rhino. Again, however, this is a beast mode that does not have many movable parts, only the mouth and back legs. The front legs can techinically move, but this leaves a noticable gap between them and the rest of the body if you move them into any position except for the one shown above.
    His robot mode had WAY, WAY too many extra rhino parts on it. They get in the way a lot and are not easy to tuck anywhere. While tranforming, his front leg plates tend to come of his arms, so be careful. It is very hard to snap them back on. Also, his legs are sort of chunky in the front, but smaller in the back, making it look odd when he is standing straight. His face can also split apart to reveal a smaller face. His two weapons are your standard-issue sword, which is pretty nice, and a wicked spinning chainsaw with two chainballs attached to it.
    All in all, an okay toy, with neat weapons, but Hasbro has made better.

Rhinox Bio:
The ground shakes with a terrible thunder as jungle trees snap like twigs. The noise draws closer in a cloud of dust and dirt. A herd of stampeding elephants? No. It is Rhinox, defending his territory from Predacon attackers! Courageous and cunning, has never backed down from battle, nor been injured in any way. Not even double barreled laser cannons can cut through his triple thick, steel plated skin! If he comes your way, run for cover...fast!
Strength: 9.0
Speed: 3.0
Rank: 5.0
Firepower: 6.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Endurance: 9.0
Courage: 10.0
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

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