Prowl (Deluxe, Original) [RiD]
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Japanese Name: Mach Alert
Color Scheme: White, black, tinted clear plastic, gray, dark blue, light orange, and some chrome red, chrome silver, yellow, bluish silver, and translucent red
Mold History: Prowl was a completely new mold created for Car Robots (which subsequently became Robots in Disguise).
Rating: 8.2

    Vehicle mode is a police car. This mode looks pretty nice, overall. The style is very sleek and modernized, and the tires are good, quality rubber, with "TRANSFORMERS 2000" inscribed on them. The "jet boosters" on the back of the police car look pretty neat, although they can be removed if you want a "normal" police car mode or attached to the rear fenders if you think that looks better. They can't be stored out-of-view, though, which is a slight letdown. The Japanese lettering on the side of the car doors I would have taken out, however, since it seems rather out of place on an American toy. The windows are tinted to move attention away from the robot parts inside the "glass", but they aren't tinted quite enough, and it's still fairly obvious that there's robot parts inside Prowl's outer vehicle shell instead of car seats. Although his headlights, exhaust pipes, and taillights are nicely detailed, Prowl's color scheme is, overall, rather "blah" in this mode, pretty much just being tinted plastic, black, and white. A bit more variation in color in this mode would have been appreciated. One thing I've noticed about this mode that few others seem to notice is that, from a head-on side view, Prowl's vehicle mode looks oddly... curved. Like it had a slight collision with another car, and the front fourth is bunched up slightly. Maybe it's just me, though...
    Prowl's robot mode is just plain spiffy. It's also the most symmetrical-looking of the Car Brothers (Prowl, Side Burn, and X-Brawn). The nice bluish silver detailing on the inside of the shoulder pads looks neat, as does the blue and red "swirly patterns" on the circle parts over the wheels there. The use of the car doors as a "samurai skirt" is very neat as well, and definitely adds character. Those parts can break rather easily, though, since they're long, flat, and wide, so be careful. His "jet boosters" from his vehicle mode can be fitted atop his right hand to become flame throwers in this mode (push the flame-missiles out and they "fire"), or they can be slid on his police headlights on his back to become a jet pack for this mode. Awesome! The transmetal red Autobot symbol on Prowl's chest looks pretty cool, too. Prowl's robot head actually seems to resemble his vehicle mode a little, as it's sloped, and the black is on the bottom while the white is on the top. The color scheme is also a bit more varied in this mode, taking away from the "blah" look of the vehicle mode's paint job. One thing I don't like about this mode, however, is the fact that Prowl's legs and feet are too small. It's hard to get him to stand up straight in this mode without leaning him forward a little, and even then, he can fall over at the slightest reverberation. Prowl's "back" is also rather poorly constructed as well- his car hood can't fold up in a position to make it look solid, so it looks like his back is "sticking out" about a inch farther than it should be. Also, Prowl's "shield" mounted on his left arm is rather cumbersome, and it can't be removed. His arms also have very limited movement because of the car door-skirt right below them, so it's hard to give Prowl a battle stance in this mode without making him look like he's shrugging.
    A pretty good toy, although not without its flaws. The most symmetrical-looking of the Car Brothers, however, and the robot mode is nice, at least visually. The color scheme in vehicle mode leaves a little something to be desired, however.

Review by Beastbot

Second Opinion by VBBN

Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Rating: 8.3

    Prowl's vehicle mode is a Police car that is modeled after the Lamborghini Contach. Being a fan of Lambo's, I reall like this mode. Proportions are spot on, and he is almost up to the movie toy standards. The Jet boosters are nice, but I usually leave them off. Now the one thing I disagree with 100% with Beastbot on in this mode, is the Japanese writing. I think it suits the mold, and I like it a lot. It adds diversity and makes it, well, a bit more authentic in my mind, even if it is an American toy. Other than that, it has nice chrome silver rims and rubber tires, sometihing I like quite a bit. It might just be me, but I think the feet in the car look like car seats...
    Prowl's robot mode is pretty nice. Mold wise it looks really cool, mainly the doors on his shins and the shoulders. I really like the autubot symbol on his chest formed from the exaust pipes and bottom of the back of the car. Proportions are okay, his legs area a bit small, and can cause him to fall over a bit easier than I would like. My main problem with this mode is the blue. It looks like he is wearing a pair of jeans, honestly. It needs to be spread on his arms or something, it just looks awkward the way it is right now.
    Prowl is a nice figure, and he has many strong points, but if you are looking for a version of this mold, I would look for his redeco instead.

Review by VBBN

Prowl Bio:
FUNCTION: High-speed Chaser
MOTTO: "You can run but you can't hide."
Prowl added a new Spark engine to his configuration to improve his mobility and searching ability. With high-capacity radars on both his shoulders, he can instantly find enemies hiding in a 300 km radius. And once he finds them, they're history. He has electronic systems for jamming radios or hacking into systems.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: ?
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 7.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 7.0

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