Roadburn (Titans Return)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Red, charcoal black, and some pale yellow, milky gray, dark metallic blue, and light muddy brown
Rating: 7.8

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Titans Return Bumblebee. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Titans Return Bumblebee here.)

    Interesting that Hasbro didn't take the traditional track with a Bumblebee redeco and just do Cliffjumper; props to them for doing something a bit different this time and doing "Roadburn", a trademark-friendly name for the G1 Throttlebot Chase, of all toys. Even better since Chase hasn't had an update since his original toy! Anyways, as for the toy itself, it's almost entirely red and charcoal black. The black is just onnne shade above a "pure" black, which I think would've looked slightly better, but it still does look pretty good against the red. The red paint matches up quite well with the red plastic as well, which is another plus. If you look REALLY closely the paint might be one tiny shade less dull, but that's it. Both colors are broken up pretty well-- there's no one huge area of one color or the other, unless you look at it from the unlikely angle of the bottom of the car mode. Even in vehicle mode, a large black stripe goes around the entire bottom to keep it from being too one-tone. Overall, it's a pretty basic color scheme, but it still works, particularly for an Autobot. As for accent colors, the headlights are a pale yellow (unfortunately the taillights are unpainted); there's a bit of milky gray paint on the front grill; and there's some dark metallic blue and muddy brown on the head. They're decent colors, but aren't used enough to really affect the overall color scheme much.
    Roadburn has a new headsculpt, of course made to look like G1 Chase's head, but with slightly more modernized proportions. His brown face is rather odd-looking with a faceplate that looks like his mouth is wide open, a fairly prominent nose, and a sunglass-like visor that I really wish was painted something other than brown. The "helmet" around the brown headsculpt is painted a really nifty dark metallic blue, and has several little ridges poking out all over the edges. It's a rather unique and weird headsculpt, but in a good way-- it'll be difficult to mistake this guy for anyone else. No other mold changes have been made to Roadburn.
    Titans Return Roadburn is a nice update of Chase, and a nice change from the usual Bumblebee redecoes. The color scheme of red-and-black is a bit basic, but it works, though I wish the accent colors were a bit more prevalent-- and that other Throttlebots had been made from this mode, too... Recommended over Titans Return Bumblebee, both because of the color scheme and the considerably rarer character choice.

Roadburn Bio:
If Decepticons think they can outrun Roadburn, they are wrong.
Strength: 4.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 7.0
Fireblast: 2.0

Review by Beastbot

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