Ro-Tor (Ruination Part)
Vehicle ModeVehicle Mode (with weapons)Robot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Japanese Name: Hepter
Color Scheme: Dark dull blue, black, sparkly red, orange, and some silver and white
Mold History: Ro-Tor's mold dates all the way back to 1986, when the mold was released as the Combaticon Vortex, part of the original Transformers line.
Rating: 5.8

    Vehicle mode is a helicopter. Ro-Tor (DUMB name), although with a color scheme that is more varied than, say, Movor's, is rather barren in this mode without his extra weapons on (see above). I guess it's the fact that the back part of the helicopter is almost entirely dark blue, and the red weapons add a bit more zing to the color scheme. My only complaint about the weapons is that the back ones obscure the Decepticon symbol on Ro-Tor's left side (why it's only on one side, I don't know). His front gun is also mounted slightly off-center, but this isn't that noticeable. The silver windows and orange arrows really do add a lot more than they appear do, and vary the color scheme quite a bit on the front side. Both blades in this mode can spin of course- although for some reason, the larger one is detachable (and no, he can't hold it in his robot mode).
    Ro-Tor's robot mode, although with a nicely varied color scheme, leaves a bit to be desired. First off, he has no actual hands; they're just molded outlines on the inside of his arms (and rather large ones proportionally at that). His guns mounted on the back of his arms are also a bit big proportionally in this mode, and detract from the mode a bit. It's actually better to just leave them off in this mode. Same goes for the smaller gun; it fits on the inside of his arm, but considering that it's not nearly as big as the end of his (rather ride) arm, it looks rather puny. Ro-Tor's articulation is also pretty limited in this mode; he can only move his arms at the shoulders (at two points), and his knees (individually, but the legs aren't seperate, and the knees don't stay in any position very well unless they're locked straight down). As expected, this rather hampers his playability. The helicopter tail fin halves on the bottom of his arms are also rather obvious extras, too. However, Ro-Tor's chest is rather nicely done, as is the blades on his back- that's the perfect place to put them, so that one can spin the blades to have him "fly" in robot mode.
    Forms either an arm or a leg of Ruination, depending upon the configuration.
    Although Ro-Tor has a comparatively varied color scheme, and a nice helicopter mode, his robot mode is rather poor by today's standards, showing the mold's age a bit. You need him to form Ruination, though.

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Review by Beastbot

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