Saesee Tiin
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Light orange, chalky off-white, light red, and some clear plastic, black, gunmetal gray, transparent lemon yellow, silver, chalky very light peach, dull yellow, dull fleshy pink, dull mustard brown, and dull metallic bronze
Rating: 7.4

    Saesee Tiin's vehicle mode is an Episode II Jedi Starfighter, complete with the interstellar ring attachment on the front. Overall, this mode looks pretty good in most respects. The proportions are pretty spot-on, with the exception of the ring, which should be a bit bigger. Still, given how that would add even MORE kibble to Saesee's Mech mode, I'm glad they made a bit smaller for the purposes of this toy. The toy's mold and paint detailing is also superb-- the Star Wars Transformers have never skimped out on that department, and they aren't about to start now. The colors, though accurate to the movie I'm guessing (I'm not familiar with Saesee Tiin, so I'm not certain), are really loud, though. There's a little bit of black, but otherwise the toy is all very light colors that don't contrast particularly well. It catches your eye, sure, but in a bad way. The ring-mounted launchers each fire a lightsaber-missile, and the ring can detach from the core ship. The core ship has its own set of fold-out landing gear, but sadly there's no landing gear that works when the ship's connected to the ring, which is kind of a bummer since it sits at a rather odd angle in that configuration. There are no Mech mode extras in this mode at all, though it you look at the toy from the underside you can see where the arms are, but that's nothing. As with all Star Wars Transformers, the toy comes with miniature Saesee Tiin figurine that fits snugly inside the cockpit.
    The first word that comes to mind when looking at Saesee Tiin's Mech mode is "kibble". The dude's PACKED with it, having more of it than any other SWTF except for perhaps the X-Wing Luke Skywalker. He's got this enormous backpack made up of pretty much his entire vehicle mode, and it's so big it requires one of the ring halves to act as a third "foot" to stabilize the toy. The moving of the missile launchers to over the sides of the arms is pretty cool, but otherwise it's really unsightly and detracts a bit from the core robot. Which is a shame, since the core robot itself is pretty darned cool. The proportions are spot-on, and Saesee's got great articulation-- he can move at every major point, including the waist. And, given his aforementioned third "foot" for added stability, this means you can get him into a lot of nifty poses. You can take the backpack off and put it elsewhere, but this makes the other kibble attached to the core robot rather loose and it swings about a lot, not to mention he's not nearly as stable without that third "foot". I'm not too fond of the face, either-- it's a replica of Saesee Tiin's, but with a little mecha detailing added, but not enough-- it still looks far too organic, maybe adding a faceplate or something would've helped. The flip-down mask is pretty cool and a fitting combat feature, though the detailing on it is rather uneven-- the black "eye slits" detailed on the mask are definitely smaller on the left side than on the right, and it makes the detailing on it look rather amateurish.
    Saesee Tiin has some great articulation and proportions in robot mode, as well as an excellent vehicle mode, but he's got a TON of kibble and a pretty darned loud color scheme. It's up to you on whether to get it or not, depending on what you feel most strongly about in a Transformer.

Saesee Tiin Bio:
Jedi Master Saesee Tiin flies his customized starfighter to his homeworld, which is under attack by Separatist forces. Tiin's sleek fighter coon blasts the enemy vessels into retreat. Landing on the planet, he converts his fighter into a robotic Jedi warrior to strike down an army of battle droids that have landed there!

Review by Beastbot

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