Scavenger (Transmetal)
Scavenger's Beast ModeScavenger's Vehicular ModeScavenger's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Transparent ruby red, silver, chrome gold that fades into red someplaces, purple, black, yellow, and aquamarine
Rating: 8.0

    Beast mode is a metallized fire ant. A nicer mode than Inferno’s beast mode, that stands up a little better (not particularly on its insect legs, but on its wheels on the bottom of its bulb). The metal insect legs look very nice, and are pretty well-detailed. Some people mistake this for an Inferno Transmetal, and it was originally intended to be one, but was changed to a different character for some reason. Almost no robot extras, save for the obvious appearance of the robot head on the front of the abdomen.
    Vehicle mode is his ant mode with his head turned up to reveal two large drills, and his wheels on the bottom of his bulb turned out. This isn’t much of a vehicle mode, though. One of my main problems with this mode is that you are supposed to push the insect legs up a little, and it makes the main body of the mode look like one big jumbled mess.
    Robot mode is very nice, but it has a LOT of extras on his arms. He has his halves of his ant faces and all six of his insect legs on his arms, which get in the way a lot. Other than that, this mode is a good one, with an almost demonic face and little drill-wheels on his back that look like they could be little propulsion jets for flying. He has a little shell on his back, but this doesn’t get in the way much. He has kind of skinny legs, but he can still stand sort of easily. I only wish he had actual hands, however, instead of just drills.
    A nice mega transformer, but a bit heavy on the extras in the vehicle and robot modes.

Scavenger Bio:
FUNCTION: Infantry Commander
Motto: "Everything is worth something, even me."
A quantum surge has rocked the world of the Transformers and now the evil infantry commander Scavenger has become a meched out fire ant with awesome drilling power. Two spinning augers drill into the Earth while bladed wheels thrust him forward, providing a perfect method of ambush attack and reconnaissance. One of the Maximal's most dangerous enemies, Scavenger's goal is to make every Maximal unable to set foot outside without thinking twice about what might suddenly burst from underground.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 4.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 8.0
Firepower: 6.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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