Scorponok's Beast ModeScorponok's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Red, black, and creamy silver, with some yellow and white
Rating: 7.3

    Beast mode is a scorpion. There is almost no clue that he is a robot in this mode, except for the robot legs which protrude a bit from his main body. His mouth looks a little odd, as it becomes his feet in robot mode. He has rather exaggerated claws and a stinger, but, all in all, nice, with decent detailing. He has a "stinging" action, where if you lift a lever on his lower tail, the upper tail will dart forward. Pretty nice.
    In robot mode, he is pretty good. He has two faces; a “gas mask” face and his face on the TV show. His stinger sort of sticks out in the back, which is the only real extra in this mode, since the claws actually complement this mode a little. A slightly bigger problem is that the scorpion legs which hold the body together tend to slip once and a while, and the body falls apart. His feet look a bit odd, since his heels are bigger than the front of the feet, but this is no big loss. The only reason I didn’t give this guy a higher rating is because of his right claw, which launches a cyber bee. After you fire this thing 15 or more times, the spring starts to wear out(or at least it did in mine), and the bee can’t stay on the claw anymore, so you have a half-claw with a peg sticking out of it. The other claw fires two missles when you open it, and while this is cool, it gets a little annoying after a while, since you can easily set it off.
    An okay mega transformer, except for the cyberbee.

Scorponok Bio:
FUNCTION: Desert Attack Commander
The searing summer heat of the Mojave desert turns it into a dry, barren wasteland. A place where only the strong survive. A place the vicious Scorponok calls home. With hidden robotic technology incorporated into its scorpion body structure, this desert attack specialist surprises enemies 3 different ways; by launching its robotic bee; firing a 2 shot missile blast; and by using its terrifying tail for poisonous Cyber Strikes!
Strength: 8.0
Speed: 5.0
Rank: 6.0
Firepower: 9.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Endurance: 7.0
Courage: 7.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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