Vehicle Mode (with Cyber Key gimmick activated)Robot Mode (Cyber Key gimmick activated, sword removed)Robot Mode (Piledriver arms extended)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Scout (Basic)
Homeworld: Cybertron
Cyber Key Code: sf2x
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black, reddish orange, milky gunmetal gray, and some transparent orangish red and dull dark red
Rating: 8.8

    Scrapmetal's vehicle mode is... um... something. It kinda looks like a crane-thing on four insect legs. Regardless, it looks pretty darned cool, and is one of the most inventive, original alt modes ever used for a Transformer. It's a nice "insectoid vehicle" mix, though maybe two more legs would have helped the alt mode a little more. The main body is fairly solid, if a bit more devoid of mold detaling than I'd like and basically just a bunch of connecting hinges pressed together. I also would've liked an actual seat and other detailing molded inside the cockpit, though that's a small quibble-- I do like the two small transparent connectors that look like fangs on the underside of the cockpit, to symbolize Scrapmetal is an eating machine. The paint detailing is also fairly sparse on this figure, and it's all either orange or dull red. Even though the color scheme for this figure is by no means bad and goes together fairly well, a bit more variety would've been appreciated. The crane arm is normally a gun, but if you insert the Cyber Key into the slot at the rear of the arm, a sword flips out in the gun nozzle's place. It's a fairly cool, simple, and unobtrusive gimmick, though in all honesty its practicality isn't really all that good-- how can a sword be considered a "power-up" from a gun? Seems to me like it's be the other way around... Still, the sword can detach from the crane arm and be put in the hand in robot mode, which is pretty cool. The crane arm can swivel up, down, right, and left, so it has a full range of motion, but this brings me to my only big complaint with this figure-- only a small tab holds the crane arm and its attached plastic pieces in place in this mode, and it's simply not sturdy enough to keep the whole assembly in place when you move the crane arm from right to left, so the entire middle assembly will almost always come undone and swivel around too if you move the crane arm in such a manner. Needless to say, it's rather annoying.
    Although his vehicle mode is still pretty good, Scrapmetal's robot mode is the better of the two modes. His main body looks more like a main body now and not just a bunch of hinges (though the vehicle cockpit as the chest certainly helps eliminate this look a lot). I do wish that the cockpit on the chest had some sort of back to it, so that the upper chest looked a little more solid. The crane arm makes a nice over-the-shoulder weapon, and although the legs are a tad too short, otherwise the proportions are great. The head sculpt is especially interesting-- the large eyes and small circular mouth give Scrapmetal a very insectoid look, which is certainly fitting given his alternate mode. The transparent plastic used for the eyes also works extremely well as light piping. Scrapmetal also has a very good amount of articulation-- he can move at the head, shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees, and all but the former are on ball joints, so Scrapmetal can do a ton of cool poses. Another cool feature this mode has is that you can fit arm guards over his fits to reveal pile drivers for shakin' up stuff! (Why is, no doubt, why this mold was named "Rumble" in Japan.")
    Scrapmetal is a great, interesting, original addition to the Cybertron line. The fact that the middle assembly in vehicle mode can come undone so easily is the only reason he wasn't given the "must-buy" rating of 9.0 or above, but he's still a very good toy, with great articulation, proportions, originality, and a nice look to him. Recommended.

Scrapmetal Bio:
Scrapmetal is little more than a beast. Once, they were merely a dangerous breed of mechanical vermin from the depths of Cybertron, but he and his Terrorcon brthren have been mutated by the power of the black hole. Much larger than they once were, and far more dangerous, these creatures now swarm on the surface of Cybertron, led by Scrapmetal, who has gained the ability to reason, and plot. Now that he has tasted the power that comes with command, his only desire is for more power.
Strength: 5.0
Intelligence: 2.0
Speed: 6.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 3.0
Courage: 4.5
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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