Season I, Episode X:

"Shadowed Past"

Writer: Bob Forward

Director: Steven E. Gordon

Original Air Date: March 31, 2001

Synopsis/Review: This episode starts out with Rogue having a very strange and vivid dream. In it, a cloaked lady (who is obviously Mystique, because of her voice) grabs her sun from another man- Magneto- and quickly runs away after seeing what Magneto "did to her son", which she obviously isn't very crazy about. The cloaked woman, clutching her son, runs out of the castle, Magneto hovering after her and yelling after her to come back. The woman runs into some wolves, who chase her onto a nearby creaky-bridge-over-a-ravine scene. Unable to outrun the wolves any longer, the wolves attack the woman, and she accidentally drops her baby into the river far below...
    ..And then Rogue wakes up, screaming. She wakes up the rest of the X-Kids, who come in, asking her what's wrong. Rogue explains the dream to them, and then comes to a realization- she KNOWS who that baby was in the dream- it's Kurt! And this isn't the only time she's had this dream, either- she's been having them regularly ever since she came to the Institute. Xavier butts in via his mind-telepathy, and tells all of the X-Men, minus Rogue, Jean, and Kurt, to go back to bed- they all have finals tomorrow. He tells the other three to come downstairs so that he can find out what this is all about, as it seems important.
    Downstairs, Kurt admits that his "parents" never really mentioned his origins very specifically, and always tried to avoid the subject. The Prof decides to prove Rogue's mind to find out the answers. While re-living Rogue's earlier dream, the Professor discovers that Kurt's mother is indeed Mystique (although Rogue apparently does not relive the dream this way, as she remembers nothing of what Prof. X unlocks during his mind probe). The Professor also probes farther into the dream, and the baby- now positively identified as Nightcrawler- is apparently not hurt very badly from the fall into the river, and is picked up the next day by a family down the river someways (Nightcrawler's foster parents). Mystique, hiding behind a rock, manages to see all this, and leaves her son to his new foster parents.
    Xavier then ends his mind probe, overcoming his surprise very quickly. Kurt's anxious to find out what the Prof found, but Xavier (obviously avoiding the subject) says that they'll find out tomorrow, as it's getting late now, much to Kurt's dismay.
    The next day, at Bayville High, Xavier confronts Miss Darkholme in her office, asking Mystique what exactly happened all those years ago, and why she subjected her son to Magneto. Mystique refuses to answer Xavier's questions, and dismisses his accusations as lies...until Xavier jogs back a memory in her that causes her a bit of distress. Xavier quickly runs his mind prove through Mystique before she can recover. Angry at Xavier's persistence, Miss Darkholme orders Xavier out, and he does leave. As soon as he's out of the school, though, he contacts Logan via his mind, who already has the Blackbird prepped. Xavier gives Logan the coordinates of the castle he got from Mystique, and Logan blasts off towards there.
    At the end of the school day, Kurt walks out of class, his mind obviously on something else besides school. Rogue comes up and asks him what's up- why is he so anxious to find out who his mother is? Rogue was never really that interested in finding out who her real mom was, since Irene (Destiny) was always a good mother to her. Kurt replies that that may be Rogue's view, but he needs to know the truth about his life. Across the hall, Jean and Scott, seeing Kurt getting a bit angsty, come over to ask what's going on, leaving the friend they're talking to at his locker. Before they can get all the way over there, Kurt deactivates his image inducer and teleports out of the school. Luckily, no body seemingly saw it, since the kid Jean and Scott were talking to was busy getting stuff out of his locker... The kid WAS watching the whole ordeal, though, since after Rogue, Jean, and Scott leave, the kid closes the locker and ducks behind a corner, morphing into a very distressed Miss Darkholme...
    We then see Principal Darkholme giving Pietro a note, which he is to discreetly deliver to Kurt in the X-Mansion. And he is NOT to open it under any circumstances, as it's not his business. Pietro reluctantly agrees and speeds to the X-Mansion, managing to get unnoticed into the estate, due to his speediness. Pietro places the note outside Kurt's door and leaves (again, unnoticed), and Kurt soon discovers the note. He opens it and reads it- it's from an anonymous source, telling him that if he wants to know the truth about his past, he should come to the mall construction site at sundown, alone. Kurt mulls it over in his mind for a bit, but eventually says "Why not?" and teleports out. Scott soon comes in the room and finds Kurt gone. He apparently talks to the Professor (who had detected Quicksilver earlier in the Mansion, albeit briefly), and he gets Jean, saying that they both need to search Kurt's room to any clues as to his whereabouts. Jean soon finds the anonymous note, and shows it to Scott, who tells Jean to get the others- they need to get there, and fast!
    We then see Quicksilver somewhere outside Bayville, talking to Magneto via a cell phone. Quicksilver tells Magneto what was on the note he delivered- Pietro obviously glanced at it- and we pretty much learn that Magneto had suspected Mystique was going to do this for some time. He tells Quicksilver to stop Mystique from telling Nightcrawler what he wants to know. Magneto, meanwhile, has to get ready for a visitor to his castle- Wolverine...
    There's then a bit of an action scene in which Wolverine, landing the Blackbird, enters the castle seen in Rogue's dream and bypasses some of the defense systems. He soon finds a DNA lab, but it's rigged with explosives, obviously planted a little while ago by Magneto- Wolverine barely manages to escape before the whole castle blows.
    Back at the mall construction site, Nightcrawler relucantly enters the now-closed site, looking for whoever he was supposed to meet here. Mystique shows up, and reveals to Kurt that she is his mother. Kurt's completely stricken by this, and is about to ask her more questions when the Brotherhood teens butt in. Mystique tells them all to go away, that this is none of their business, but Pietro replies that they've got higher orders this time- nothing personal. They chase Nightcrawler around a bit and manage to knock him out. They're about to take him out permanently, it seems, when the rest of the X-Men show up, and a rather pathetic fight scene follows in which the Brotherhood pretty much use their powers pretty ineffectively. (Blob charges at SHADOWCAT, of all people. Please, he's not that stupid.) Of course, the X-Men manage to kick their butts, and Rogue manages to absorb Lance's powers during the fight. She spots Mystique leaving, and tries to get the blue woman to say put, using the powers she stole from Lance. They need some answers, and now! Mystique replies that it's far too late for answers, before morphing into a crow and flying off...
    Back at the X-Mansion, Xavier, Logan, Jean, and Scott are all having a private chat. Wolverine replies that he didn't really find out anything at the castle, due to the charges Magneto set. Xavier responds that they may never know for sure now, if Mystique is really Kurt's mother, or what exactly Magneto did to Kurt. He's still fairly certain that Mystique is Kurt's mother, though, even if it's not proven.
    There's also a brief scene with Nightcrawler, out on the balcony, thinking. Rogue is with him. Kurt still can't believe that Mystique, of all people is his mother. Rogue responds that they still aren't 100% sure, and that Mystique, being the twisted person that she is, could have just been messing with him. Kurt still has his doubts, though. Rogue tries to reassure him, but it doesn't entirely work.
    The end scene is a very brief one, in which we see Mystique/Miss Darkholme in her office at school, obviously still grieving over those past events that happened all those years ago, and how her only son hates her...

Last Words: This was a very well-written and well-thought-out episode, and really explores Nightcrawler, possibly better than any other episode in the entire series. It shows his quiet, hurting side, rather than the "cover up my sorrow with humor" side that he usually shows. It also manages to get very emotional at times without getting corny. In fact, after I saw this episode for the first time, I almost cried at the end. It is one of the few episodes that really doesn't resolve the main problem at all, and in fact has a sad ending. The animation in this episode was also very superb, and smooth. The Brotherhood/X-Men fight scene near the end WAS pretty lame, though, and the castle/experiment thing seemed a bit cliche. Still, those are rather minor points, and don't subtract very much from the overall greatness of this episode.

Overall Rating: 9/10 Excellent

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