Vehicle ModeRobot Mode (Cyber Key gimmick activated)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Scout (Basic)
Homeworld: Earth
Cyber Key Code: s639
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Off-white, charcoal gray, light sea blue, and some metallic dark bronze, metallic gold, silver, and violet
Rating: 6.9

    Shortround's vehicle mode is a fairly realistic hovercraft, and it looks pretty nifty. There are no robot extras to speak of, and everything looks very solid in this mode. There's also a ton of mold detailing, with little headlights, wires, and other mechanical detailing all over the place. There's also a pretty good amount of paint detaling as well-- I especially like the bronze stripes on the side of the mode, and the bronze-and-gray turbines on the top help to add a bit more variety to the mode. I do question the wisdom of making the windows PURPLE of all colors, though... that's kinda weird. The overall color scheme of off-white, light blue, gray, and purple does fit together pretty well, and it may be a nod to the G1 Seacons, a Decepticon combiner team with alternate modes of robotic sea monsters. Whether this was an intentional just coincidental, however, is not known for sure. The robot hand-held gun can plug into the middle of this mode to serve as an extra bit of firepower, and I prefer it connected, even if it detracts from the real-ness of the mode a bit, since it covers up the exposed balljoint of the robot head, though that's a pretty minor thing. Shortround's Cyber Key gimmick is pretty simple, but it's a small toy anyways, you can't expect too much-- plug the Cyber Key into the slot at the rear of the vehicle, and the engines flip around to become (non-firing) torpedo launchers! A nice "gotcha!" weapon, even if it isn't much. (It's also easily activated in robot mode, as well.)
    Speaking of Shortround's robot mode, it's really oddly proportioned, which is definitely this toy's main, near-crippling weakness. The legs look fine, and I can deal with the skinny waist and wide chest, even if it is a bit mis-proportioned, as it's meant to make Shortround look a bit more lithe. However, this look is completely blown to scrap when you see his humongous, completely ridiculous claw--arms. For one thing, even when bent, they reach past his knees. The upper arms are also too wide when compared to the lower arms, and the claws themselves don't even clamp together! They're frozen in that position. There's a slot on the inside of the claws for holding Shortround's gun, but it just looks really awkward, given that the claws can't turn sideways at the elbows unless you unbend the arms. However, as a bit of a plus, Shortround does have decent articulation at the other joints besides the elbows-- he can move at the head, shoulders, hips, and knees, and most of those are on ball joints. His heels are also bit enough to deal with his slight back-heavyness, so he's fairly stable. Another proportion problem that Shortround suffers from is his head-- it's too small, and is a bit too far back from the front of the chest for my liking. Plus, it just plain looks goofy-- the scuba-like mask and the large optics just doesn't look right for any Transformer, let alone an evil Decepticon.
    Shortround has a very nice vehicle mode and a great color scheme, but his robot mode just looks way too awkward and doofy for me to recommend him-- there's a ton of Cybertron TFs more worth your money than this guy. I can understand Hasbro wanting to make Transformers look unique from one another, but this is going a bit too far, methinks.

Shortround Bio:
Some might call Shortround obsessed because of the way he follows Thunderblast around, but most Decepticons just call him annoying. Still, he servies his purpose running supplies at speeds up to 250mph over land and sea, and whenever the Autobots show up he freaks out - filling the air with enough super heated plasma to allow other Decepticons to escape in the confusion. He may be a nerd, but at least he's a destructive nerd.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 5.0
Fireblast: 6.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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