Silverstreak (G1 Reissue, Toys "R" Us Exclusive)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Price: $30 (U.S.)
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Difficulty of Sticker Applications: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Metallic silver, red, black, and some chrome silver and chrome red
Rating: 6.5

    Vehicle mode is a sportscar. Like most G1 toys, Silverstreak (better known as Bluestreak; name change for legal reasons) has a very nice alt mode, with clear windows (even though inside there aren't exactly driver seats and a steering wheel), rubber tires, some chrome, etc. Nearly model-quality, and there's no robot extras whatsoever, unless you count what you can see through the clear windows. Heck, he even has swing-out doors. His weapons aren't storable in vehicle mode, though, and you know by now how much that irks ol' Beastbot.
    In robot mode, Silverstreak isn't up to par with his vehicle mode, but he's certainly not horrible. His chest is a bit too large for my liking, and sticks out too far in front of his head. His arms are also little puny things when compared to the rest of his body, even though they're the only points of articulation Silverstreak has (two at the shoulder, one elbow, and one hand joint per arm). His legs I'm also not too crazy about, mainly because there's no discernable toes. They're just... two halves of the back of a car. And they even angle up, so it almost looks like he's wearing the Transformer version of high heels. Yick. I do like the doors behind his arms though- they add to the look a bit. I also like the little devil horns on his face, and the missile launchers to the sides of them. (The missile launchers don't shoot, though, because of a safety modification.) He also comes with your standard hand-held rifle.
    Silverstreak was a nice toy for back then, but he's not quite up to today's standards. His proportions in robot mode are a little on the ugly side (although not too awful bad), and his articulation is really wanting. He has a nice vehicle mode, but most casual collectors shouldn't  pick it up because of the whopping $30 price tag in combination with the flaws.

Silverstreak Bio:
MOTTO: "I never met a Decepticon I didn't dislike."
Silverstreak is not the "typical" Autobot. Always on overdrive, he is an incessant talker whose endless banter and sharp humor can lighten tense situations. Memory of his home-city’s destruction by the Decepticons causes him to hate war. Long distance bombing capability of up to 8.3 miles; lightning-like 80,000 volt beam travels up to 12 miles with limited accuracy. Armed with formidable weapons and incendiary speed, but sometimes impeded by distaste for combat.
Strength: 6.0
Intelligence: 6.0
Speed: 7.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 2.0
Firepower: 9.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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