Season IV, Episode IV:

"Sins of the Son"

Writer: Marsha F. Griffin

Director: Gary Graham

Original Air Date: September 20, 2003

Introducing: Legion

Synopsis/Review: In Scotland, there’s a rowdy punk teenage party going on in some castle ruins, and there’s a guy who seems to be in charge of it all mingling a bit named Lucas. He leaves the party for a second and goes down into the dungeons of the castle. He opens up a grate, and talks to an off-camera person named David. He says that there’s only one way he’s going to get out of here, and they both know what it is… Lucas holds out a cell phone in the palm of his hand.
    Xavier is wakened up by a phone call in the middle of the night. He answers it, and to his surprise, someone at the end pleadingly asks for his help, calling him “father”…
    In the next scene, it’s the following morning, and Xavier, Storm, Scott, and Jean are zooming in the X-Jet over to Scotland. Xavier is on the phone, having a tense conversation with his ex-wife. Scott and Jean are still a little weirded out that Xavier actually has a son that they didn’t know about… Storm tells them to… um… go see how Kitty’s doing. Just, don’t pay attention to the Prof at this moment, yeah.
    Back at the X-Mansion, Beast is making sure the New Mutants get out the door and off to school. Beast then gets a call from Jean and Scott- they’re asking how Kitty’s doing, since apparently, she has the flu. Beast says she’s not any better yet- but now Kurt’s got it, too…
Kurt is asleep in his room, but when he sneezes, he teleports to another part of the room. Heheheh. Beast goes to check on Kitty, and she’s still feeling rotten. He tells her to get some sleep, but she says she can’t- every time she does, she has these creepy nightmares about being caught in school with only her pajamas on…
    Meanwhile, Xavier gets off the phone with his wife, and he tells a curious Scott and Jean- in a rather annoyed tone- that yes, he was married- briefly- to a woman named Gabrielle Haller a while back, but it wasn’t for very long. They apparently had a son that she hadn’t even told him anything about until now.
    Meanwhile, at the castle ruins, a desperate David finally manages to get out of his tomb by doing a jump off the wall to grab onto the cell entrance on the ceiling and pull himself up. He tries to avoid the other punk rockers at the ruins, but it's no use- they figure out who he is and corner him.
    In Scotland, Xavier and company meet up with his ex-wife at her Mansion. Xavier doesn’t even really greet her, and immediately starts asking questions about whether she has any clue where David might be, etc. She doesn’t know, as they just moved here a little while. She is actually a bit mad at Xavier for not finding out about David himself, since he’s a telepath, after all. Of course, Xavier COULDN’T look for David if he didn’t even know he existed, dummy. We also learn why they divorced in the first place- Xavier was apparently too kept up in his research on Mutants, even though Xavier tells her that that was her excuse for anything he did that she didn’t like. Ooooo. Lucas, though, is watching them through the window, but is also distracted by Jean and Scott, who are in a room on the second room, checking out the place. Lucas smirks.
    A little later, Jean and Scott see a little kid run by out of the corner of their eye. They run out into the hallway- wondering where the little kid came from- but they don’t see him anywhere. They yell out for the kid, but instead Gabrielle answers. They ask her who the little kid was, and she responds that it was Ian- a rather shy individual that David found and brought in soon after they moved here. As far as she can tell, Ian can’t talk. Jean wants to see if she can telepathically talk to Ian, though, since maybe he has some information about where David might be. She finds Ian on the front lawn, and runs after him as he disappears into the night. Jean chases after him, but instead of finding Ian there, she finds Lucas. Suddenly, Lucas erects a circle of fire around Jean, and does a psychic blast to her brain, knocking her out…
    Back at the X-Mansion, Kitty’s run out of tissues, so she peaks into Kurt’s room to ask if he has any. She finds him, oddly enough, sleeping under the bed, and grabs his tail to pull him out, asking what he’s doing under there… only, Kurt sneezes just then, and they’re teleported in front of the school. Panicking, Kitty tries to wake Kurt up before… *SNEEZE* ..And now they’re in front of a class. In their PJs. Mwahaha. Kitty, frustrated and embarrassed, drags a still-sleeping Kurt out of the classroom- only to have him sneeze and teleport them again, this time to a sidewalk downtown- just in time for a car to splash Kitty with muddy water.
    Meanwhile, Jean comes to in the castle ruins, with Lucas watching over her. She tries to get out, but Lucas forces her telepathically to stay there- besides, he says, you don’t want to miss out on your only chance to find David, do you?
    Back at Xavier’s ex-wife’s house, Cyclops has a motorcycle prepped and ready to go and find Jean. Xavier tells him to be careful and all that, and he leaves. He then tells his ex-wife and Storm that they’re going to try to find Ian, since Xavier has a hunch that the boy knows something vital…
    Scott arrives at the castle ruins and makes his way in, purposely avoiding the punk rockers’ eyes. He finds Jean, and she tells him the situation. Scott goes to confront Lucas, even though Jean tells him not to, Lucas is too strong. Needless to say, she’s proven right- Lucas mops the floor with Scott, and he and some of his punk rocker friends chain Scott up with some old castle manacles. Jean tries to stop them, but Lucas takes care of her, knocks her out, and drops her in a simliar cell that we saw him talk to David in at the beginning of the episode. He also lowers this huge stone block on the ceiling gate so she can’t get out.
    Meanwhile, Xavier, his ex-wife, and Storm are driving down the road in the X-Van when they suddenly spot Ian in the middle of the road. Storm puts on the brakes and the van screeches to a halt just in time. They get out, and Xavier’s ex-wife asks Ian what the heck he was doing- but he just stares ahead emotionlessly. Xavier tries to probe his mind, but he can’t- almost as if there’s a Mutant power blocking his way… He gets a brief mental reading of visions of Lucas and David, but that’s it. Ian then erects a firewall between himself and the others and retreats towards the castle ruins. Xavier tells Storm and his ex-wife that they must follow Ian- he’s apparently in league with Lucas on this…
    Meanwhile, Jean, determined to get out of the cell, manages to break down one of the walls, and finds David there in an adjacent cell. Jean busts them out of David's cell and they both make their way out of the basement corridors of the castle, but while they do, Jean finds out through conversation that David doesn’t really think Xavier will come to rescue them, since apparently he doesn’t care about David at all. Jean tells David that that’s not true, Xavier’s a very caring man- he just wasn’t told about David’s existence at all. David still isn’t buying it, though. He also reveals that this is all a trap, because Lucas wants to go toe-to-toe with “the great Charles Xavier” mentally. Finally, they reach the surface, and find Xavier, Gabrielle, and Storm, who have just entered and freed Scott. They’re happy to be back together again, and Xavier’s ex-wife introduces Xavier to his father. They shake hands, but suddenly, David changes shape… into Ian! Everyone’s completely surprised, and Jean manages to stutter out that… why is David… Ian? Ian changes shape again into Lucas, who says that sometimes he’s David, sometimes he’s Ian. But now he’s Lucas, and that’s the important thing. He makes a circle of fire around them all and blasts all but Xavier out of it. Storm’s about to fly back in, but Xavier sends them all a quick telepathic message telling them to stay out of this- he needs to deal with it. Lucas challenges Xavier to a mental show-down, and starts showing off his power by crumbling some of the castle ruins. Suddenly, Lucas convulses and changes into David again. David tells Xavier hurriedly to get out while he still can- David can’t control the others! Xavier tells David that the others are just a small part of him- he can help David get rid of those personalities! Xavier enters David’s head- and here’s where it gets a bit confusing. It APPEARS that Xavier somehow creates a bubble around Lucas and Ian’s personalities, separating them from David, but somehow Lucas and Ian merge and engulf David. Xavier is shut out of David’s mental realm, and David shudders. The fire circle has died down by now, and Jean and the others come up, asking if everything’s okay. David answers them by converting back into Lucas, who thanks Xavier- he was the only one who had enough power to lock away both David and Ian, and now Lucas is finally free! Lucas laughs and takes off into the clouds, flying. Xavier’s ex-wife starts weeping, asking him what he’s done…
    So, the next day Xavier, Storm, Jean, and Scott sadly fly back to the X-Mansion. Beast greets them, and asks Xavier if there’s anything he can do… Xavier thanks him, but no. Jean asks Beast how Kitty is doing, and Beast tells her that he hasn’t heard a peep out of them all day… they’re sure to be rested up by now.
    Heheh. Kurt finally teleports back into his own room, with a muddy, dirty, frustrated Kitty holding onto him. Kurt finally wakes up, muttering something about how he’s feeling better, but he had a bunch of weird dreams. Of course, Kitty is really mad at him, and pummels a bewildered Kurt with a pillow.
    Meanwhile, Storm and Xavier are out on the front balcony, talking. Xavier is saddened that he didn’t even get to know his own son before he lost him. Storm reassures him that someday, David will come around again with Xavier’s help… just as he’s helped them all to overcome their respective difficulties in life. End.

Last Words: I thought this episode was very nicely-written, and the Kurt/Kitty parts were hilarious. One of the best humor bits in the entire series, actually. However, I had the same problems with this ep that I had with the previous one, “Target X”- it was a little too confusing if you didn’t already know about Legion’s (David, Lucas, and Ian’s) background. If you didn’t know about it already, the whole schizophrenia thing certainly threw you for a loop, and to actually have Legion change PHYSICALLY into his respective personalities was… a bit odd. Also, I’m still confused as to what exactly happened when Xavier was in Legion’s head, and I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t a real Legion-Xavier fight in the end- Legion just happily flew away. But the rest was pretty good, and I especially loved Xavier's characterization- we saw an impatient and bitter side to him, something that we really haven't seen any of until now.

Overall Rating: 8/10 Great

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