Sledge (Constructicon Maximus component)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon (Constructicon)
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Dark military green, light pea green, silver, black, and some green, transparent watery blue, white, and bright chalky orange
Rating: 9.4

    Sledge's vehicle mode is an earth mover. This vehicle mode is really awesome, especially for a gestalt component. The proportions are pretty much right on-- the cockpit could be a TAD bigger, but that's about it. Little details are also carved into various parts of Sledge-- "bolts" on the wheels, a small ladder leading up to the cockpit, a small chair inside said cockpit, hydraulic cylinders, and the like. There's even silver faded "paint wear" on the front of the shovel, as if it's been worn down from a lot of digging over the years. And yes, his shovel can move up and down- at two points, in fact. Sledge's color scheme is pretty good, too, as the various shades of green, black, and silver, combined with the blue Energon parts, go very well together, even if it's not the most original color scheme in the world. Speaking of Sledge's Energon weapon, that's one of the few complaints I have about this mode-- the weapon is just kind of attached to the back end without really looking like anything. Still, it definitely could be worse. Another-- rather small-- problem is that it's kind of obvious Sledge's robot legs form the back third of his vehicle mode. You can see the toes poking up behind the cockpit. They still fit in with the overall shape of an earth mover, though, which is why I'm not complaining much.
    Sledge's robot mode is just as good as his vehicle mode. For one thing, his articulation is great-- he can move at any major joint you can expect on a basic-sized toy, and many of those are ball joints. He's a tad back-heavy, which may limit his posing some, but it's not that noticeable. The hip joints on mine are also a little loose, though this could be just an isolated incident. His proportions are also pretty good. His arms are rather proportional, per se, but they could've been a little bulkier to exemplify Sledge's otherwise tough, brutish-looking robot mode. And Sledge's Energon weapon is the coolest-- it's a double-bladed scythe, for "harvesting Autobots". Definitely one of the best Energon weapons to come from a gestalt component, that's for sure. Sledge does have some noticeable vehicle extras in this mode, but with the sole exception of the vehicle cockpit, which is directly behind his head, everything else is placed in such a manner as to really complement the mode. In fact, Sledge would look somewhat plain without said extras. The wheels displayed behind his arms look great, as do the wheels on his legs. His vehicle mode shovel, which has his Decepticon spark crystal on the shovel arm, is tucked away discreetly behind his back. The ladders from his vehicle mode also flip around and broaden Sledge's chest a bit, making him look a bit buffer than he otherwise would have. All in all, it's a very satisfying mode-- though, oddly, Sledge has no Powerlinx or Minicon ports to speak of.
    According to his instructions, Sledge forms Constructicon Maximus' right arm, though if you use the "leg" transformation given in his mold-mate Bonecrusher's instructions, you can make him any appendage on the gestalt that you want.
    Sledge is a great toy in both modes, with very few flaws, and none of them really major. He has great articulation, great proportions, a great color scheme, and few extras in either mode. He's my most recommended out of all the Energon gestalt limbs, in fact. Definitely worth picking up for a mere 7 bucks U.S.

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Review by Beastbot

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