Vehicle ModeHyper ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Hard
Color Scheme: Dull dark navy blue, light gray, charcoal black, metallic teal, dark pea green, and some light orange, shiny black, and transparent yellow
Powerlinx ports: 2
Rating: 9.5

    Slugslinger's vehicle mode is a futuristic jet with two nosecones. Slugslinger is a definite nod to G1 Slugslinger in this way, since G1 Slugslinger's alt mode was the same thing. However, any similarity beyond that (except for allegiance) I haven't noticed. Anyways, this mode looks pretty great- there's a very nice blend of colors, and tons of paint apps. The gray, blue, and teal go excellently together, and the orange highlights are just icing on the cake. Although perhaps a slightly lighter shade of green would have worked a little better, the green used on Slugslinger still fits in with its surrounding parts reasonably well. The propotions are very close to perfect-- the wings are a little on the small side, but that's pretty much it. There's also absolutely no robot extras to speak of. Pretty much the only real downside to this mode is its stability-- several of the parts don't have a specific place that they "lock" into. Luckily, most of the joints are of a good tightness, but they still tend to wiggle around a little in place. For example, Slugslinger has four small fold-out landing gear pieces on his underside, but it's hard to get them out without accidentally pulling a part of the jet down with them. A few more pegs would have really eliminated this problem; I can't imagine why they weren't put in. Still, a great alt mode.
    Slugslinger's "hyper mode" is rather cool, even though it's barely a variation of the vehicle mode. Basically, you split the vehicle into two halves, revealing the missile and its trigger in the center. I think that's kind of a cool idea, having the vehicle mode fold out just for a big gun. I don't know if I'd call it an entirely seperate mode, though.
    The transformation is surprisingly complex for a deluxe, but it's certainly worth the effort. Slugslinger's robot mode is also astoundingly cool. The proportions are PERFECT, and all of the "kibble"- the jagged wings on his backside, the pieces on the sides of his legs, and the fans on his hands- complement the mode, instead of hinder it. In fact, he wouldn't look nearly as cool if it wasn't for these "extras". (Especially those jagged wings- now THOSE are awesome.) His face sculpt also has a ton of personality packed into it. He's got a monocle-like left optic, and a huge sneer. He's practically the Colonel Clink of the Transformers universe! Mwahaha. He also has that light-piping effect for his eyes, so they glow a little when you have a strong light source behind him. Eeeevil, I'm tellin' ya. His cannon from vehicle mode is now slung over his shoulder for some shootin', although you can hide it behind his back if you so desire. Slugslinger's articulation is pretty good- he can move at the head, shoulders (at two points), the elbows (at two points), the hips, the knees, and the ankles. So you can get a pretty good number of poses out of this great figure. Unfortunately, Slugslinger still suffers from the same stability problems that he had in vehicle mode. Only this time, the pegs are there- they're just too shallow, so they don't hold together their parts very well. Slugslinger's shoulder pegs are especially bad- sometimes they just pop out a little by themselves. His waist pegs also have the same problem although it's not quite as bad. Again, just a little bit more quality testing and this would've been fixed, leaving this robot mode, literally, practically perfect. I don't know why Hasbro skipped over that part. Oh, and obviously, Slugslinger's spark crystal is in the middle of his chest in this mode.
    Slugslinger is an excellent Transformer in all of his modes, with a great look, great proportions, and a great articulation. He is one of the best deluxes in the Energon line, easily. He does have a few problems staying completely together, though, so be wary of that. Still, a highly recommended buy.

Slugslinger Bio:
MOTTO: "I rule the skies."
Slugslinger is a crude and vile Decepticon. His ariel speed and battle tactics are the two reasons that Megatron keeps him around. He takes just as much pleasure in starting trouble between his own teammates as he does fighting Autobots. In robot mode, this troublemaker possesses an impressive weapons arsenal. Many Autobots try to avoid a direct gun fight with him. In vehicle mode, Slugslinger's speed and endurance in the air are second only to Megatron.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 10.0
Endurance: 7.0
Rank: 4.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 8.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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