Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder)
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Dirty off-white, and some dull orange, clear plastic, gray, silver, black, dark blue, dull yellow, red, transparent yellow, light sky blue, light pasty gray, metallic gunmetal gray, and some dark brownish gray
Rating: 6.4

    Like one would expect from a Star Wars Transformer, Snowspeeder Skywalker's vehicle mode is pretty much flawless. There's really no robot mode extras to speak of whatsoever, and the proportions are spot-on perfect when compared to the movie model. All of the appropriate mold detailing is there, and there's lot of cool "worn" paint details as well-- the orange stripes near the rear end have parts where the paint was "worn away", and there's "burn marks" paint apps here and there across the toy. The overall color scheme is pretty dull, but hey, that's the way the Snowspeeder's always been colored, so you can hardly fault them there. Both of the guns are actual missile launchers, which can fire your standard spring-loaded missiles if you press the button near the back end of them. (There's also a small, rear gun that can rotate in place, but obviously it's way too small to fire an actual missile.) As with all SWTFs, the toy comes with a miniature replica of Luke Skywalker which can fit snugly inside the pilot cockpit. He also has one retractable landing gear near the center of the underside of this mode.
    Luke Skywalker is one of the more literal "shell-formers" to come along in a long time. His transformation basically consists of just "cracking apart" his vehicle mode and revealing the Mech mode underneath, with all the Snowspeeder parts hanging off his back pretty unceremoniously and without really locking into place anywhere. A kibble-less TF he's definitely not, and that's my primary complaint with the toy-- there's not even an attempt to really intergrate his vehicle parts into his robot mode, beyond the cockpit becoming his chest and parts forming his shoulder panels. His arms and legs are also a tad skinny by Transformer standards, though this is rather common among SWTFs. His torso is pretty long proportionally, as well. He can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), wrists, hips (at two points), knees (at two points), and ankles. That WOULD make him fairly posable, if it wasn't for all that back kibble getting in the way and making him back-heavy to boot. On the plus side, his Mech mode face sculpt is pretty good (and has TONS of paint apps), not being quite as "human" as the previous Luke Skywalker SWTF while still definitely evoking an image of the character. Luke can carry both of his guns in his hands in this mode, and they stay in their holes fairly well. He also comes with lightsaber because he's Luke Skywalker, but it doesn't store in vehicle mode, which bugs me a bit.
    Poor Luke just can't catch a break when it comes to SWTFs-- both of his toys have been some of the worst in the line and full of kibble that just hangs off everywhere in robot mode. At least his vehicle mode looks great, though. Not recommended unless you're a huge Star Wars/TF completist.

Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder) Bio:
Faced with the nearly unstoppable onslaught of the Imperial AT-AT walkers, Luke Skywalker leads the fight to defend Echo Base in this modified T-47 Snowspeeder. When blasters prove ineffective against the mighty AT-AT armor plating, he uses the power of the Force to morph into an incredible combat robot, and takes on the walkers toe to toe!

Review by Beastbot

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