Spittor's Beast ModeSpittor's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black, transparent dark blue, and some neon orange and neon green
Rating: 6.4

    Beast mode is a frog. Looks very nice from the top up. A nice coloration mix makes this frog look poisonous. His robot legs on his bottom side make this frog look fat, though, and get in the way of the beast legs. The articulation on this mode is pretty good, with his mouth, front legs, and back legs all able to move. A lever on his back can make his tongue (his robot head and neck) stick out of his mouth, and alhtough this is a nice touch, the head is pretty obvious.
    Robot mode is freakish. He has extremely short legs, but extremely long arms! His frog front arms are stored on his back, which sort of get in the way. His frog head also sticks out a bit more than I'd like it too. He has no weapons in this mode, which is kind of disapointing, but he can still fire his head up, which makes him looks like a robot with a giraffe neck. The articulation and detailing in this mode is very good, one of the best I've seen in the original Beast Wars basic transformers.
    If articulation, detailing, and playability are more important to you than a freakish robot mode, than I recommend this toy for you. If you think looks matter more than the three qualities listed above, then I'd skip out on this toy if I were you.

Spittor Bio:
FUNCTION: Surprise Attack
More poisonous than a Cybertron razor snake, Spittor can immobilize an enemy in less than seven seconds. Highly sensitive microchips existing just millimeters below his "skin" instantly release venom upon contact with aggressors. When on the attack, his powerful legs allow him to leap in front of enemies over 100 yards away. After catching them off guard, he releases his head-butting poison tongue to knock 'em out cold. Talk about tough, this guy doesn't feed on flies, he feeds on Maximals!
Strength: 2.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 5.0
Endurance: 6.0
Rank: 6.0
Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 4.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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