Stinkbomb's Beast ModeStinkbomb's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Chrome gold, yellow, black, white, and some red
Rating: 7.6

    Beast mode is a Transmetal 2 skunk. This mode is very nice, with excellent detailing, a nice mix of organic and metallic, and no extras on the bottom. The transmetal gold tail is one of the main features, with a very nice and sharp look to it. There are, however, two things that don't look right with this mode. For one, his robot head is easily visible in his rear section. Also, his back legs look very odd and bulky, using the same cover-up-the-robot-arms technique used with Silverbolt (Fuzor). His spark crystal is in his left back leg, under the yellow orb.
    Robot mode is okay, but odd-looking. First off, his skunk back legs are easily visible on his arms. Second, his skunk back does not fit firmly on his robot back, and tends to get in the way a lot. Third, and the most obvious downside to this mode, is his 'hair'. It is his skunk tail, with a claw on the end of it. It looks very weird to think that his hair is his main weapon. You would think that it could be detached from his head and fitted into one of his hands to be used as a sword, but it doesn't. The rest of this mode, is nicely done, however, from his legs and body, to his head. His face has a mask on it, and it makes him look like some Marvel superhero.
    A nice transformer, but a bit odd-looking in robot mode.

Stinkbomb Bio:
FUNCTION: Psychological Warfare
MOTTO: "Nine-tenths of the battle is fought within the imagination."
A strategic specialist, Stinkbomb is fascinated with the study of Predaconial psychology. Understands the power-driven Predacon mindset and delights in manipulating it to Maximal advantage. Once taunted for his unpleasant odor, Stinkbomb's sharp wit cunning tactics and dangerous intelligence quickly earned the respect of his colleagues. Regarded by Optimal Optimus as a valued advisor and fierce warrior. Relies on serrated tail for close range combat. Photon emitters in optical sensors project hypnotic light spectrum capable of lulling enemies. Foul chemical spray causes temporary paralysis-nasty odor remains for weeks unless victim bathes in tomato juice.
Strength: 6.5
Speed: 7.1
Rank: 6.0
Firepower: 4.7
Intelligence: 8.9
Endurance: 7.1
Courage: 8.1
Skill: 5.9

Review by Beastbot

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