Storm (Normal)Storm (Costume)

Real Name: Ororo Munroe

Mutant Power: Ability to control weather

Voice Actor: Kirsten Williamson

First Appearance: "Strategy X"

Back Story: Born and raised in a remote part of Africa, Storm grew up as part of a primitive tribe. She was hailed as a rain goddess, and, for a while at least, thought that she was one, and used her powers to bring rain to the tribe's land when needed. Somehow, though (and here is where the details get a little fuzzy), she found out that she wasn't a goddess- she was a Mutant, and left the tribes, somehow coming over to America. Taking college a little late (due to her presumed lack of proper education in Africa), she stumbled across Professor Xavier, and became the first X-Man. (This last part was explained in the Evo comics.) Now, she treats the teenage X-Men as her own children, and is a great instructor to them all. She has a special tie with Spyke (Evan Daniels), who is her nephew.

Personality: Ororo is a calm, collected individual. She has to be, since if she gets to riled up, her powers can become very damaging to the landscape around her. She tends to be a rather background character most of the time, and is usually rather quiet. She generally gets along with and is respected by everyone around her, but she still is rather humble. She did occasionally get a little aggravated by her nephew, Evan, since she feels that he is shunning "work" like school and training sessions in favor of things like skateboarding. After Evan left the Mansion to protect the Morlocks, however, Ororo has found new respect for her nephew. According to Xavier's "future visions" at the end of the series, Ororo will remain with the X-Men for the forseeable future.

Final Reflections: Even though she was probably the least-focused-on of the "main" X-Men, I liked Evo Storm. Mainly because the old version got a bit too commanding when she'd use her powers to the point where it'd get corny. Case in point: "Wind and rain, heed my call!" A little over doing it, aren't we, Storm? Evo Storm also tended to have a more rounded personality, and was definitely a good role model to the kids, like Beast (and unlike Wolverine, heh).

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