Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot (Omnicon)
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Mustard yellow, black, transparent red, bluish black, tan, and some metallic bluish silver, metallic dark blue, and light red
Rating: 9.2

    Vehicle mode is a jeep. This mode is very nice, with absolutely no robot extras whatsoever. Well, if you look really hard, you can see the back of Strongarm's head at the rear of the vehicle mode, but this is pretty well-covered-up by the wheel on the back of it and the surrounding vehicle parts. The color scheme works very nice together, and is very fitting for a jeep- the mustard yellow and tan give Strongarm a "hardy" feel, while the metallic blue and silver make him look shiny and robotic at the same time. Of course, just like all the Omnicons, Strongarm has a good deal of transparent red on him. In this case, it not only makes up the components of his Energon weapon and his Energon chip, but also the jeep windows too, and it works somewhat nicely for them. I would have preferred just clear plastic or transparent blue, but I understand that it would have been a bit more expensive to add yet another color to Strongarm's already-impressive color palette, so I understand why it wasn't done. The jeep itself has quite nice proportions, with large wheels and bulky rear. It's also somewhat realistic for an Energon toy, although it still retains a "futuristic" look to it on certain parts. Excellent paint and mold detailing all around on Strongarm, so no problems there. He also has a gun in this mode, attached to his right top side, that can move up and down, back and forth, and pretty much any position you want to put it in. Very cool. It also has Minicon ports on both sides of the upper portion of it, in case you want to attach it to a larger Transformer. Strongarm's Autobot spark crystal is on the top side of the rear of this mode.
    Strongarm's robot mode isn't quite as good as his vehicle mode, but it's still pretty nice. His excellent colors and detailing carry over into this mode, for one thing. He's also got great articulation for such a small toy- he can move at the shoulders (at two points), elbows, head, waist, hips (only forwards, not backwards, unfortunately), the knees, and the feet. Pretty much anything you can reasonably ask for, he's got, except the aforementioned backward hip articulation, which is restricted because of the seats from his vehicle mode. It's a bit annoying, but his otherwise great articulation almost makes up for it. I also love the "skirt" thing Strongarm has going on, as well as his big, broad shoulders. His head is rather plain- no headcrests or anything- but this suits his "I'm just a workerbot" personality just fine. I think it's absolutely ingenious, though, how the gun and wheel halves from his vehicle mode form his axe in robot mode. I never would've thought of something like that, myself. For a guy who's name is Strongarm, though, his arms are remarkably puny. They wouldn't be so bad if his upper half wasn't as beefy as it is, but as they are he can't reach very far past his chest. His feet, which are the windows of his jeep mode, also look a little goofy.
    Strongarm is a great Omnicon, and worth adding to any Energon fan's collection. He has a few minor problems in robot mode- such as the flat feet and restricted hip articulation- but these are easily overshadowed by all his other great features.

Strongarm Bio:
MOTTO: "I'm a worker, not a warrior."
Strongarm is an Autobot Omnicon who would rather work than fight. He is able to manufacture raw Energon into Energon Chips and useful tools and weapons, a valuable energy source to the Autobots. He can often be found alongside his Omnicon brothers gathering precious Energon deposits. Although Strongarm chooses not to fight, his contributions to the Autobots will play a major role during the battle for Energon.
Strength: 7.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 4.0
Endurance: 9.0
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 7.0
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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