Scourge (Super) {RiD} [Toys 'R Us Exclusive]

Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Super
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Japanese Name: Black Convoy
Color Scheme: Sparkly black, chrome silver, dark transparent red, metallic teal, gray, light gray, and some light blue, flat black, and flat red
Mold History: Scourge's mold was first used for the Laser Optimus Prime toy, in the Generation 2 line back in 1995.
Rating: 9.5

Vehicle Mode
    Scourge's vehicle mode is a tanker truck. This mode is VERY nice all around, especially the nice chrome tanker. And the chrome doesn't chip at all, which is a surprise. The black, silver, and red colors scheme of Scourge is very fitting for an "evil Prime" character, and the tea helps break any monotony the black might have had. The Decepticon symbols on the doors are another nice touch. Unlike most other "realistic vehicle" Transformers, Scourge has a weapon in this mode; the "smokestacks" on the top of the tanker part is actually a disc-firing mechanism. Twist the dial, and the disks fire out one by one. It has no top, though, so be careful if you turn Scourge on his side or on his back, as his disks will fall out. This mode is very realistically proportioned as well, except for one thing; Scourge's robot feet are clearly visibie if you seperate the truck part from the tanker part. Other than that, this mode is absolutely FLAWLESS. One might notice the button on the top of Scourge's truck part, and that it does nothing. This is because Scourge's original mold, Laser Optimus Prime, had an electronics feature that was taken out for this toy. Can't say I really mind, as Scourge doesn't need accidentally-activated sound gimmicks to be cool.

Robot ModeBase Mode
    Scourge's robot mode is flawless. Totally and completely. Well, okay, if his shoulders are turned back, it looks slightly odd, but that's REALLY nitpickinmg. For such a large Transformer, he has a pretty simple transformation, too, but it's effective. He definitely captures the "evil Prime" look, and his glowing eyes are very nice, as is his "Sword of Fury" and gun. The sword's a bit dull, though, as it was modified a bit for the new U.S. safety standards. Bah. Anyway, Scourge is also very nicely detailed in this mode, the teal really bring out a lot in him. He's also very, VERY posable- with the exception of the hands, every other humanly movable part on Scourge can move. Waist, head, shoulders, elbows, knees, you name it. And he's pretty stable, too, allowing for TONS of great poses. Definitely one of the greatest robot modes ever.
    Scourge's "base" looks a bit too much like an unfolded tanker, true, but it's the best "trailer-bases" of all the Primes. Why, you ask? The INSANE amount of weaponry. included. Besides the five discs in the disc launcher, two air-pressure-launched missiles and a whopping TEN spring-loaded missiles are included. This gives Scourge some of the most ammunition out of any Transformer. BARRAGE ATTACK! Heheh.
    Scourge is an excellent toy, all around. Great vehicle mode, INSANELY good robot mode, and a base packed full with weaponry. I guess my only real complaints would be the obviousness of his feet in truck mode, and the fact that he can't combine with his tanker trailer. Definitely a must-buy toy.

Scourge Bio:
MOTTO: "Vengeance is an excuse for failure. I do not seek vengeance."
Scourge is a no-nonsense field commander. Formed during the creation of the Decepticons when Megatron scanned both a tanker truck and Optimus Prime. Because of this mix-up, Scourge resents the Autobots and especially their leader. He's cunning, dangerous and cruel - if there is any Autobot goodness within his circuits, he covers it up as acts of destruction. His battle station is a fully loaded weapon and high-tech equipment arsenal. Furiously wields his signature sword in battle.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 9.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

(NOTE: As noted above, Scourge is a Toys "R" Us Exclusive, and only available at those stores. Also, for some odd reason, the Scourge pictured above did not come with silver-and-black chest stickers. He's supposed too, though.)

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