Battle Droid

Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Pale moderately light blue, pale dark blue, light greenish tan, and some charcoal gray and dark jungle green
Rating: 7.1

    The Battle Droid's vehicle mode is an AAT-- a drone transport of sorts, which is pretty fitting. Unlike most SWTF, the Battle Droid doesn't have a boring off-white or gray color scheme, but instead makes use of some pretty interesting designs made with dark blue against light blue, with a bit of black for accent colors. It really helps him to stand out amongst other SWTFs, and the design is pretty awesome. There's also some nice "blackened" paint apps near the holes in the very front of the vehicle, which adds a little to the realism factor. The AAT's main turret can rotate around 360 degrees, though it can't aim up or down, sadly. It fires a standard spring-loaded missile launcher when you press the tan button on the top. His two small side guns can rotate up and down, however. Generally the proportions of the mode are spot-on, but there is one noticeable addition-- the droid's arms stick out VERY blantantly from the back near the rear, and are obvious at practically every angle except a front one. They're made even more obvious by the contrasting colors-- however, on the plus side those extra wheels on the bottom of those droid arms give the vehicle mode some extra stability.
    In mech mode, the Battle Droid is pretty iffy, however. It honestly looks like one of the droids decided to dress up as an AAT for Halloween-- it's very clear which parts are the robot parts and which are the vehicle parts, pretty much only the chest and waist really "shared" in between the two modes. And even then, given the structure of his chest and his the rear turrets folds down behind his main body, it makes him look a bit on the fat side. His skinny limbs only exaggerate this, though it being a Battle Droid the skinny limbs are understandable. The biggest offenders in this mode thouhg are unquestionably the huge halves of the front part of hte vehicle mode just hanging off his waist. They don't even remotely look like anything or complement the mode, and get in the way of movement and balance. (Speaking of movement, the Battle Droid can move at the neck, shoulders (at three points), elbows, wrists (at two points), hips (at two points), knees (at three points), and ankles (at two points). The hip, knee, and elbow movement is a bit restricted given the aforementioned vehicle mode kibble, but generally he's pretty posable for a SWTF figure. As far as his color additions, the tan and green really contrast well with the blue, and give some visual pop to a line that's generally lacking it-- but as I said before, it really differentiates the mech mode and vehicle mode parts a bit TOO much from each other. For weaponry, the Battle Droid can hold either the front part of his main turret which detaches from vehicle mode, or the two small side guns on the sides of his chest can also detach and be held by either hand. It's not a very stable connection, though, so he tends to drop them fairly easily.
    The SWTF Battle Droid has one of the more interesting vehicle designs and color schemes of the line, but his mech mode is pretty poor in most respects, with huge kibble and weird proportions. A bit below-average as far as Star Wars Transformers go.

Battle Droid Bio:
Armored Assault Tanks (AATs) hover on the battlefield with their cannons aimed at the approaching Republic forces. The Separatist tanks are equipped with cannons and missile launchers, but these advanced versions have an additional weapon: they change into enormous battle droids that can quickly overwhelm opponents!

Review by Beastbot

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