Terrorsaur (Transmetal)
Terrorsaur's Beast ModeTerrorsaur's Vehicular ModeTerrorsaur's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Gold, brown, purple, and chrome gold, with some green, yellow, pink, and yellow-green
Rating: 7.4

    Beast mode is a metallic pterodactyl. This mode is one of the weakest beast modes i’ve seen, with wings that can easily come off, and large claws that come out way too far for a pterodactyl’s. His feet on his underside look nice, but can become loose. His face looks nice and slender, though, and the detailing is pretty good.
    Vehicle mode is a sort of a turbine-powered pterodactyl. This mode is even weaker than the beast mode, with almost nothing different except for his wing parts flipped back to reveal turbines and his butt split open to reveal an engine like Inferno’s.
    Robot mode is the only reason this robot didn’t get below a 7.0. The robot mode, unlike the others, is extremely cool-looking and a definite improvement over the old Terrorsaur robot mode. Although his head is extremely small in proportion to the rest of his body, he has humongous claws that make him look fierce. His pterodactyl butt in on his back, but it doesn’t get in the way at all. His chest looks sort of wodd, though, considering his pterodactyl head which comprises it is folded in two. His feet have some sort of plungers on the bottom of them that help him stand up, but they look a little bit odd. You can detach the purple part of his wings and have him hold them in his hands like boomerangs, but he can't hold them very well.
    If you’re going to buy this one, buy it for the robot mode, not the beast and vehicle modes.

Terrorsaur Transmetal Bio:
FUNCTION: Aerial Attack
A quantum surge has altered the structure of the tyrannical Terrorsaur, turning him into a jet-powered, vehicle-like Pterodactyl with an unfettered rage for the Maximals. If Terrorsaur was once known as fearless, his new armor has made him kamikaze. Hidden jet thrusters leave a trail of fire in his wake and often ignite the terrain below - a fact that tickles his twisted humor circuits endlessly. Fierce talons and turbine spikes offer a dangerous arsenal that keep him involved with his favorite activity: battling Maximals.
Strength: 6.0
Speed: 10.0
Rank: 5.0
Firepower: 3.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Endurance: 3.0
Courage: 8.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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