The Fallen
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Unicron. Or Himself. Whichever you prefer.
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Black and some metallic gunmetal gray, light yellowish orange, and moderately dark orange
Rating: 9.0

    The first character to be made in the 6" Titanium line that didn't have some version of a toy beforehand, The Fallen is one of the original 13 Transformers, so called because he turned against Primus and sided with Unicron. In the comic miniseries The War Within: The Dark Ages, in which he starred, he was nearly invincible and was always on fire (but without actually burning up, of course). It's nice to see such an incredibly evil character get made into a toy, at long last.
    That said, The Fallen's toy isn't quite the same as his design in the comics-- it's been modified a bit so it can work as a toy at this scale, but it's still undeniably The Fallen. He still keeps his futuristic tank mode, though it's been heavily modified. It still looks very good, however, if a bit more simplstic. The proportions are pretty good all around, and although the mold detailing is just a tad sparser than what I'd consider ideal, it's still definitely adequate, with stuff like "worn metal scars" and "rivets" here and there on his form. I especially like that gatling guns were molded into the front of his treads, they help give this all-powerful Transformer even more firepower. His overall color scheme in this mode of black and a bit of gunmetal gray is rather bland by most Transformers' standards, but it works well on The Fallen, especially in robot mode (which is why I wish more "flame-y" color paint apps were visible in this mode. There is one major flaw with this mode, however, and that's that the back thirds of the treads don't peg in to the front two thirds of the treads-- or any other surrounding parts-- at all, and just kind of flop around. That was a major oversight, and really the only thing stopping The Fallen from being tied with the War Within Seeker mold for the best Titanium to date. Another, more minor, downside to this mode is that it's a bit too obvious that his arms form the front part of the turret, even if they fit in fairly well with the overall shape of the mode. The back of the robot head on the rear of the turret is also a tad obvious. The hands on the very front are the only robot parts that absolutely stick out like sore thumbs, however. One last interesting thing about this mode is that The Fallen has his "allegiance" symbol on the rear part of his right tread, which is actually just a simplified icon of his face. It still certainly looks cool, though, and adding this brand-new symbol to his display base is just icing on the cake.
    One thing that's immediately apparent when you look at The Fallen's robot mode is just how eeeevil he is. I mean, he's the evilest evil to ever evil the evil. Here's where all that black really pays off-- the orange "vents" in his legs and chest look INCREDIBLY awesome against the black, especially since the very edges of the orange "vents" are a duller color than the center portions, making it look like The Fallen is glowing to a certain extent. I also like the flame paint apps on his tank treads hanging above his back-- not only does it double the impression that he's a thing of evil, it also helps make his tank treads look less like kibble, as well. His face looks like a worn knight's mask, with metal scars all over the place and, of course, glowing orang eyes. EVIL, I tell you! He's also pretty big for a 6" Titanium-- not that I'm complaining. It's certainly appropriate for a big baddie such as himself. The Fallen also has excellent articulation, especially for a Titanium-- he can move at the head, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), waist, hips (at two points), and knees (at two points), though he can't bend his knees back all the way. And, given his wide feet, that means you can get quite a few poses out of him. For weapons, The Fallen's turret guns can either be left on the backs of his forearms or instead pegged into the holes in his fists. There are a few, fairly minor, flaws in this mode, though. The first is about the aforementioned hands-- they look far too square and un-hand-like, though this was probably done to help them look less obvious in tank mode. (Too bad it didn't work that well.) Also, the rear third of the tank treads (darn them!), which fold behind the front two-thirds of the treads directly behind The Fallen's upper back, don't stay in their folded-up position all that well. You're supposed to be able to push them in a little to stabilize them a bit in this mode, but it doesn't work as well as it's supposed to. Oh, and in case you're wondering, The Fallen's diecast parts are his lower legs, his chest, and his shoulders.
    The Fallen is an excellent Titanium toy, with an incredibly evil, unique look in both modes. THIS, my friends, is what the Titanium line is all about! The only real flaws he has mostly have to deal with his overly floppy back-third tank treads pieces. Highly recommended.

The Fallen Bio:
UNIQUE FEATURE: Invulnerable to almost any damage.
War Within Fallen forgot his real name long ago. It didn't matter. It was a name given to him by his creator - the one he betrayed. It was a relic of the time before he had some to see the truth. The truth of Unicron.
Created as one of the original 13 Transformers to serve as a protector of Cybertron, Fallen has always been a creature of chaos and degradation. His original purpose was to oversee the stately running down of the universal clock, the ordered tick of universal balance from energy to entropy, the slow and total collapse that heralds a new creation - for what are creation and life without dissolution and death? He knew his purpose only too well, and became obsessed with the end of all things. Intrigued by the dark sciences, he came in contact with Unicron, and fell under the evil planet's thrall.
He exists now for one purpose alone: the destruction of the Seal of Primus and the release of Unicron into the universe. He lives only so that one day he might witness the last star in the universe wink out, and eternal ending fall.
Strength: Infinity
Intelligence: Infinity
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: Infinity
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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