Rodimus Prime (6" Titanium)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Moderately dark red, orange, dull yellow, black, and some silver, metallic teal, and light metallic silvery blue
Rating: 9.1

    Just like his G1 toy, Rodimus Prime's vehicle mode is a futuristic "speedy winnebago"-type vehicle. It's a bit more bulky and less aerodynamic than the G1 toy, but it still looks great all around-- heck, he certainly has more mold detailing, that's for sure. The flame paint applications on the front and on the sides of the rear portion look great, but making them consist of more than just a dull yellow-- perhaps an orange/yellow fade pattern-- would've made them look even better. He still retains the typical Rodimus red, black, and orange color scheme, and it still looks good even though it's been used several times by now. He's also the first Titanium to have a see-through cockpit, which is pretty cool. The orange "speed fins" behind the cockpit on the original G1 toy have been moved on this version of the character-- they're not much smaller, and placed together in a verticle position between the smokestacks. They don't look all that bad, but I preferred the old placement of them better. There are also a few slight oddities with the vehicle mode, even though overall it still looks pretty good-- for one, the front wheels are too far back when compared to the front of the car-- it looks pretty odd. Secondly, though they're certainly not major extras, the tops of the robot fits are a bit noticeable next to the smokestacks, as are the robot feet on the back end of this mode.
    Rodimus Prime's robot mode is outstanding, and one of the best 6" Titanium robot modes so far. For one, it's awesome that the designer worked the trailer portion of the vehicle mode into the transformation instead of having it split apart to form a lame "base" like on the G1 toy. What's even more amazing is that Rodimus still looks so much like the character, with no real changes in his features, other than proportional improvements. Really, Rodimus' proportions are great, and spot-on. The only problem I have is that his shoulder fins are too small and too far back behind his chest. Plus, if you look at him from the side, there's a noticeable gap in his torso. But those are the only real downsides to this mode-- besides the aforementioned proportions, he's got a great headsculpt-- it looks very Leader-ish while still retaining Rodimus' trademark youth. He's also got fantastic articulation, the best of the line up to this point--he can move at any major point on the body, even at the waist, and he has more than one point of articulation at every major point except the head and waist. And none of the joints are too tight or too lose or anything. I also like how his little blaster was worked into his transformation, that shows extra care went into the enginerring of this Titanium. Rodimus' diecast parts are his chest, lower arms, and lower legs.
    Titanium Rodimus Prime is an outstanding upgrade to a pretty bad G1 toy who deserved better. He's got a good vehicle mode and an outstanding robot mode, with great proportions out the wazoo. One of my most highly recommended 6" Titaniums.

Rodimus Prime Bio:
UNIQUE FEATURE: Opened the Matrix and destroyed Unicron.
Autobot prophecy spoke of a Chosen One who would claim the Matrix and rise to defend Cybertron in its darkest hour. No one ever suspected it would be Hot Rod. While no one doubted his courage, his recklessness occasionally put other Autobots in danger. Few Autobots were as fast, however, or as smart, and even fewer could have been expected to survive the twisting, diabolical pathways within the body of Unicron, or a confrontation with the mighty Galvatron.
Survive he did, however, and became Rodimus Prime. Yet even after the destruction of Unicron and the defeat of Galvatron he was plagued by self-doubt. The power of the Matrix was his to command, and the wisdom of past Autobot leaders lived within him, but he lived always within the shadow of his mentor and idol Optimus Prime. Leadership weighed heavy on on his shoulders, and though he never faltered, he dreamed often of a simpler life.
Strength: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 10.0
Rank: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Fireblast: 9.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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