Scourge [Generation One] (6" Titanium)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Easy
Color Scheme: Light bluish gray, dark blue, dark gray, and some silver, dark red, charcoal black, gray, and gold
Rating: 8.4

    Scourge's alternate mode is a highly futuristic spacecraft that kinda looks like a doorstop, truth be told. This mode looks pretty nice-- the only way robot extras are visible is if you look at the toy from the bottom or, to a lesser extent, the back end. Everything fits together very nicely, and there's plenty of paint apps to help break up all the light blue-gray. (Though why they used such a light shade instead of a more show-accurate medium blue is beyond me.) The gold looks espcially good against the dark blue. There isn't a whole lot of mold detailing in this mode, however, though part of that can be chalked up to the "sleek" look they were going for. The only real noticeable beef I have with this mode-- which is inherent in the design-- is that you can't really DO anything whatsoever with it-- no wheels/landing gear, no guns that can rotate, nothing. It's basically just a sleek block of diecast metal and plastic.
    Scourge's robot mode is the very essence of a shell former-- almost his entire alternate mode forms his wings, with the only parts really being shared between modes are the top of his head and his lower legs. Still, Scourge pulls it off rather nicely-- the wings look fairly bat-ish, and very fitting for an evil character. The lower legs are a bit too large compared to the upper legs, however, and the arms and shoulders could stand to stand to be a bit bulkier. The head is also just a tad too big, though the face sculpt is very good, with part of the beard being painted a nice shade of silver. He could also really use a good weapon in this mode, too. The mold and paint detailing on his body are also pretty good, certainly much better than the rather sparse mold detailing in his alternate mode. Scourge has pretty good articulation, as well-- he can move at the shoulders (at two places), elbows, wrists, hips (at two places), and knees (at two places). Scourge doesn't have a whole lot of diecast for a Titanium toy-- his lower legs and main body are diecast, but that's it.
    Scourge is a fairly good Titanium, with a nice vehicle mode (even if it doesn't have a whole lot of playability), and a pretty good robot mode, as well, though it does suffer from a few minor proportions problems. He pulls off the whole "shellformer" thing very nicely-- mildly recommended.

Scourge Bio:
UNIQUE FEATURE: Constructed of Decepticon wreckage.
After the catastrophic battle in which both Megatron and Optimus Prime were mortally damaged, the fleeing Decepticon forces dumped the ruined bodies of their former comrades into space to lighten their load. In the void of deep space, the wreckage drifted until an ancient creature known as Unicron swallowed it up, melted it down, and used it to create a hose of mechanical servants. Among this host was a squad of elite tracker-terminators known as the Sweeps, led by the deadly and silent Scourge.
Screaming down out of the night sky of Cybertron, Scourge and his troops fell upon Autobot and Decepticon alike, destroying all those who stood against them. They were the first in a long line of heralds and servants to the evil Unicron, and to this day many of the streets and buildings of Cybertron carry the scars left by their powerful disintegration cannons.
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 8.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 7.5
Rank: 8.0
Courage: 8.0
Fireblast: 7.5
Skill: 7.0

Review by Beastbot

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