Sunstorm [War Within] (6" Titanium)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Yellow, dull white, black, light orange, and some silver, dark metallic gunmetal gray, and moderately dark red
Rating: 9.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Titanium War Within Thundercracker. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Titanium War Within Thundercracker here.)

    In traditional Sunstorm tradition, War Within Sunstorm has a very sunny, light color scheme. (Granted, there never WAS a War Within Sunstorm, but hey, it's an excuse to do another repaint of the awesome War Within Seeker mold, I'm all for it.) The yellow is fairly light, but not so bright that it's obnoxious, and the light orange of course goes very well with it. All the white, while not clashing, makes Sunstorm look rather creamsicle-ish, but he's always had white hands, so I can hardly fault the designers for that. The black is used more on this version of Sunstorm than on any other, and it's certainly not the dominant color, it really helps to give a dark contrast against all those other light colors. The black angular stripes on the shoulders and lower legs look especially good-- Sunstorm has quite a few paint apps, but they're different from both Thundercracker's and Starscream's, and it's nice to see he's not just a straight pallet swap. And hey, Sunstorm's actually got a black head-- third time's a charm, I guess. It's a shame the more major characters Starscream and Thundercracker got stuck with a inaccurate gray head, however. The few bits of red also contrast very nicely against the red and black, and the dark metallic gunmetal on the cockpit is appropriate for a window while still being dark enough to contrast against the brighter colors.
    No mold changes have been made to War Within Sunstorm.
    War Within Sunstorm is an excellent repaint, and definitely as good as it can be considering the color scheme he's always had. I'm not a big fan of yellow, but even that doesn't bug me considering it's not a bright shade and it has plenty of contrasting colors. Recommended over Thundercracker, but not quite as much as Starscream.

Sunstorm Bio:
UNIQUE FEATURE: Powered by experimental fusion batteries
Deep within the laboratory of the Decepticon genius Shockwave, Sunstorm languishes in a sealed cryogenic regeneration chamber. His body covered in rare electrum to protect him from the furious energies boiling from his internal fusion reactors and his mind held in stasis lock he is fierce potentiality held barely in check.
Though Sunstorm is a clone of the famous air warrior Starscream, Shockwave has made a number of modifications to his systems. His weapon systems have been upgraded to take advantage of the huge amount of energy produced by the twin tokamak reactors spinning in his torso, each arm cannon delivering the force of a small nuke with a single shot. His mind has been simplified, streamlined, and stripped of the extraneous ego and ambition that so cripples Starscream. He is a pure creature, built the way all Transformers would have been had Shockwave been their designer. He waits, silent and still, for the stimulus that will drive him into action.
Strength: 9.0
Intelligence: 9.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 8.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 10.0
Skill: 5.0

Review by Beastbot

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