Transquito's Beast ModeTransquito's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Mega
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Purple, gold, brown, and translucent yellow, with some black, white, and red
Rating: 6.8

    Beast mode is a mosquito, as you can tell by the name. His wings look big and fierce, as does his face. His insect legs are exceptionally long, but he can’t stand up on them. They are all individually articulated, but, besides the wings, that's basically it for poseability. However, it is very evident that he is a robot in beast mode because his hands are clearly visible, no matter which angle you look at him, and his abdomen (which splits into his legs in robot mode) cannot stick together easily.
    His battle mode (not pictured above) is weird, but fierce. It is his robot mode with the upper part flipped out to reveal red eyes and his wings fold out to become GIANT pincers, almost a foot long by themelves!
    His robot mode looks more like a nightmarish monster than a robot. There are barely any robot parts. His insect legs on his arms stick out and interfere a lot. His beast head also sticks out a bit more than it should. Other than that, this mode’s okay, with a missle that can shoot out of his mouth, and "wing flapping action" that can be activated by a purple lever on his back in either mode. In battle mode, this same action can be used to open and close his giant pincers.
    This is not the best mega beast, but the easiest to transform.

Transquito Bio:
FUNCTION: Air Assault and Reconnaissance
There are few that can match Transquito's uncanny ability to track and discover hidden Maximal outposts. Converting to combat mode, he can hold off several Maximals at once with huge, poison-tipped pincers. Any unfortunate robot surviving a strike from these pinchers is immediately afflicted with an irritating rash and sent into a delirious rage. His powerful wings hurtle him to blazing speeds and create an annoying high-pitched screech known to drive Maximals out of their minds. His manner is highly obnoxious and dangerous, a point well illustrated by a frequent and destructive habit of firing his missile launcher incessantly when upset. Transquito is hated by all who know him.
Strength: 5.0
Speed: 9.0
Rank: 6.0
Firepower: 7.0
Intelligence: 4.0
Endurance: 8.0
Courage: 8.0
Skill: 6.0

Review by Beastbot

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