Brainstorm w/ Teslor (Titans Return) [Walgreens Exclusive]
Vehicle Mode (w/ Teslor, Robot Mode)Robot Mode
Allegiances: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Seafoam green, brownish gray, off-white, and some transparent yellow-orange, dark red, silver, black, dark blue, and orange
Rating: 8.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Titans Return Blurr w/ Hyperdrive. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Titans Return Blurr w/ Hyperdrive here.)

    Brainstorm's Titan Master is Teslor, and being that this is a remold of Blurr, Teslor's robot mode is identical in terms of sculpt when compared to Blurr's Titan Master Hyperdrive. Color-wise he's got some seafoam green used on his head and appendages and some off-white used on his main body. The head has a bit of orange paint on it, but this mode is otherwise barren of the stuff. The orange honestly looks a little garish right against the seafoam green, but the green and off-white go together fairly well, being a somewhat loud color with a calm color. In head mode Teslor has one of the mold changes made to this toy-- a new face for Brainstorm. The headsculpt is very IDW-esque Brainstorm, with a generally slimmer, sleeker look. He's got a ridged off-white forehead surrounded by a couple of segments on his head, an orange faceplate, and small blue eyes hidden way back there-- I honestly think the eyes are a titch too small. Otherwise it's a great new headsculpt, though.
    As for Brainstorm himself, his color scheme is made up of three main colors; seafoam green, off-white, and a somewhat ugly brownish gray. I'm not sure what's up with Hasbro using this last color so often lately-- either make the plastic brown or make it gray, having it in-between just looks a bit ugly to me. Still, it does complement the off-white fairly well. The seafoam green gives a nice "central color" for the others to frame-- particularly in robot mode-- and given that it's not used as often as on Teslor, it looks pretty good. In fact, I wish it was used a bit more-- on the legs in particular, as that much unbroken off-white doesn't look that great. In vehicle mode Brainstorm is VERY much in need of paint apps-- except for the seafoam green paint surrounding the yellow-orange translucent cockpit (which looks pretty darned good against said green, by the way) and some Autobot insiginias on the wings, there are NO paint apps in vehicle mode. No rear window paint apps, no paint apps on the wings or front nosecone-- nothin', and it makes the vehicle mode look pretty dull. At least in robot mode there's some nice details on the wings and lower legs that replicate some of his G1 stickers, with a mix of silver, red, and yellow. They really help to add some variety there, but there's still some paint apps that need to be added elsewhere-- there's just too much unbroken off-white and brownish gray on this toy.
    Brainstorm has several mold changes-- beyond the aforementioned new face, there's a new nosecone piece that replicates Brainstorm's twin-gun setup, wings on the sides of the vehicle mode/shoulders, smaller aesthetic wings on the front of Brainstorm's robot mode shoulders, a wing that comes up out of the main body of the vehicle mode, and the small pieces that fold over the front of the lower arms for vehicle mode. Taken by themselves I like the mold changes-- they're pretty solidly sculpted (though the new nosecone is a a bit thick towards the back end), but it just doesn't make the vehicle mode look enough like a jet. It still looks too much like Blurr with too-small wings and a different front. In robot mode everything looks pretty good together, though.
    Titans Return Brainstorm has a great base mold, but as far as remolding Blurr into him... it works pretty decently in robot mode, and Brainstorm has some nice paint apps there, but in vehicle mode Brainstorm just looks poor. Not enough paint, the body is far too large for a jet and the wings are far too small, making this definitely an inferior version of the mold compared to... well, any other version of it. The color scheme is generally okay, though I wish the seafoam green wasn't quite as loud and the brownish gray was more brown. I'd stick to "Thrilling 30" Brainstorm instead if I were you, unless it's that big of a issue for all the Titan/Headmasters in your collection to be cross-compatible.

Brainstorm w/ Teslor Bio:
The Autobots unite with Titan Master partners to power up for battle! Autobot Teslor increases the genius of Brainstorm, making his brilliant inventions even more advanced.
Strength: 8 (10)
Intelligence: 10 (15)
Speed: 7 (11)
Fireblast: 7 (8)

Reviews by Beastbot

(Pics from Hasbro.)

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