Not satisfied with just
one release in Titans Return, now Brawn gets a Legends class toy-- i.e.
a more "full-fledged" update of the character. The alt mode is an armored,
heavy-duty 4WD vehicle. The proportions are pretty spot-on in this mode
all over the place, so no issues there. There is a minor issue with this
mode in terms of robot extras, as if you look at it from the back, you
can see a pretty hollow rear end, with just the robot knees there up near
the top. That's kind of a bummer, but otherwise no robot extras, so he's
still decent in that respect. He's got some great mold detailing in this
mode, with ridges and hard lines everywhere, which certainly fits a guy
named Brawn! There's also little panels on the side that look like small
armor panels with "bolts" on them for some extra rammin' power. He's got
nice detailed wheels, an angular front bumper with some circular headlights,
and a "spare tire" up top, though this spare tire isn't removable, it's
just molded in there. If you open up the front half section of the roof,
there's room in there to fit in a Titan Master to "drive" him-- this is
a Titans Return figure, after all! The color scheme is pretty basic-- he's
almost entirely dark military milky green in this mode, which of course
is pretty much Brawn's signature color, so it works here. There's also
some black on the wheels and front and front-side windows (though not the
rear-side windows, unfortunately). There's some silver on the front bumper
and below the side doors-- it looks pretty good against the dark green,
but not so much against the bit of yellow-orange that's visible in this
mode on the front bumper and on the plastic underneath the silver on those
pieces below said side doors. One last thing-- it's worth noting that Brawn
has a standard weapon port on the top of this mode, near the center, if
you want to plug a weapon into him.
Brawn's transformation
is very simple for a Legends class figure, to the point where it'd be easily
doable even on a Legion class toy-- separate the arms and shoulders from
the sides, take off the rear tire piece, then fold out the legs and fold
out the heels behind said legs and you're done. The end result is surprisingly
different, as much of this mode is simply the underside of the vehicle
mode. Brawn's a stocky little guy, and this toy fits that look pretty well,
being basically a more detailed, better-proportioned version of his G1
cartoon design. The only proportional issue I have with this mode is that
the legs are a bit too short. Given that Brawn is meant to be a short guy
it's not quite that bad, but they still should've been just a titch longer.
There's also a vehicle kibble issue in that the center portion of the bumper
just sticks up obviously behind Brawn's head. I wish that piece folded
away somehow. Otherwise everything looks pretty good and blocky, which
again, fits Brawn. He's got some nice blocky silver fists, though the fact
that the silver is painted OVER orangish yellow plastic there does not
look that good-- they should have molded these parts in a metallic gray
or something instead. The wheels on his upper arms look kinda like biceps,
which is cool. His legs, though short, are well-detailed, with several
"segmented armor"-like details on the lower legs, which are covered up
in vehicle mode by the spare tire piece. The main body is orangish-yellow
and helps contrast against the dark green pretty decently. It's very rectangular,
which of course works in general for Brawn, but I wish there was at least
a little widening of the chest to make him look more buff. The head is
Brawn's typical bluish gray dome that makes it look like it would HURT
if he head-butted you, and he's got a silver face with blue eyes and a
no-nonsense look on his face. There's also a bit of blue on his "belt"
but otherwise that color isn't used, which is a shame as I think a bit
more of it against the orange-yellow and/or silver would've looked nice.
Brawn's spare tire-piece has three little holes near the front that makes
it look like a kind of missile-launcher/multi-port weapon, and he has holes
in his lower arms for you to put it either in his actual fists or on the
back of his wrists. It can also just plug into his back if you don't want
him to wield it. For articulation, Brawn can move at the neck, shoulders
(at two points), elbows, hips (at two points), and knees. The hips and
arms are on ball joints, so he's fairly articulated to boot.
Titans Return Legends
Brawn won't exactly blow your mind in terms of his engineering, but in
both mode he's a pretty solid toy otherwise. Excellent proportions (with
the exception of perhaps his robot legs being a bit too short), great detailing,
a nice little weapon, good articulation, only minor kibble, and in general
he's just a fun little toy. Recommended.
Review by Beastbot