Tripredacus (Consists of Cicadacon, Ramhorn, and Sea Clamp)

Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Ultra (when combined)
Overall Rating: 6.9


Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Robot: Medium
Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Tripredacus part: Hard
Color Scheme: Green, white, purple, and some grey-black, transparent off-white, and neon orange
Individual Rating: 6.0

    Beast mode is a cicada. Looks very nice from the front; nice eyes, a little “blood sucker”, and large wings. His hands are clearly visible, though, and he has no rear end. His legs are just folded up on the backside, and so his back side looks very poor. The detailing is very nice, though the articulation is limited to just the wings and the blood sucker.
    Robot mode is decent, with few extras. His cicada legs on his arms look weird, but don’t get in the way, but his blood sucker is odd-looking in its placement. His chest also sticks out way too much, and, although it doesn't get in the way, it makes him top-heavy. Part of two of his wings become large swords, and, although they are sort of stubby-looking, look pretty neat.
    Forms Tripredacus’ head and chest.
    He has a poor beast mode, but his robot mode is pretty decent.

Ram Horn

Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Robot: Very Hard
Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Tripredacus part: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Purple, white, and brown, with some yellow, transparent off-white, and black-gray
Individual Rating: 6.5

    Beast mode is a rhinoceros beetle. Looks almost exactly like one, with out any obvious cracks or lines on the top. (The bottom is different, though.) He has a lot of extras on the bottom that restrict movement and his legs are extremely small in proportion to his body size, which looks a bit odd. The detailing is not that good in this mode, and the articulation is limited to the neck and horn of the beetle.
    Robot mode is extremely hard to transform into; actually, in my opinion, Ramhorn is the hardest of all the Beast Wars transformers to transform. There are some extras, like his beetle antennae and face halves on top of and to the side of his head, and his humongous shell on his back, as well as his insect legs on his robot legs and his upper back. He has a nicely done sabre claw sword, though, and his upper head is actually a seperate part than the rest of his head, making this one of the few Beast Warriors that can actually close and open its mouth in robot mode. He has large, menacing claws that look nice, and he is a bit better detailed in this mode.
    Forms the arms of Tripredacus.
    A nice robot, but a bit heavy on the extras in robot mode, and extremely hard to transform.

Sea Clamp

Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Robot: Easy
Difficulty of Transformation from Beast to Tripredacus part: Medium
Color Scheme: Purple and transparent brown, with some white, neon green, and goldish brown
Individual Rating: 7.5

    Beast mode is a lobster. Extremely well-crafted, with little bumps in the plastic and small legs, and even little feelers on his mouth that can move. His robot legs stick out of the back and are a bit obvious, though.
    Robot mode makes Sea Clamp look like a strongarm. There are little extras, except for his lobster face halves on his arms, which can restrict some movement there, and his lower shell on his rear, which can restrict leg movement some. His legs are normal size, but his arms are longer than his body! His claws have a littlle jagged knife that flips out of them, and looks odd, but cool. He has a missle launcher on the inside of his tail that he can’t seem to hold; don’t worry, this is only supposed to be used by Tripredacus.
    Makes up the feet of Tripredacus.
    A nice transformer, with very few extras.

Tripredacus Toy
Difficulty of Transformation: Very Hard
Color Scheme: Green, white, purple, transparent brown, transparent off-white, and grey-black, with some neon green and orange
Individual Rating: 7.5

    Robot mode(the only one he has) is very menacing. He has a demonic look on his face, and, although he has a lack of hands, he has some weird-shaped claws and a large sword/missle launcher, composed of Sea Clamp’s missle launcher and Ram Horn’s sword. He has very large feet in proportion to his body, made from Sea Clamp’s claws. His middle body looks nice, as does his shoulder armor and waist. However, his waist part that connects Cicadacon to Sea Clamp can come apart somewhat easily, which is why I gave this transformer a lower rating than I originally would have. Sea Clamp's robot legs and lower shell stick out a bit on Tripredacus' back side, as well.
    A recommended transformer, but, as I said before, his waist can come apart easily, and his arms are a bit of a stretch.

Tripredacus Bio:
FUNCTION: Battle Master
The ultra beast Tripredacus mounts its attack on the Maximal fortress in the dead of night, calling upon and combining Cicadacon's plague like destruction, Ram Horn's tenacity and Sea Clamp's crushing power. Emerging from the bowels of the earth, Tripredacus summons its forces to form an incredible weapon of destruction. Sea Clamp's concealed linkage system connects Cicadacon's chopping rotor blades to Ram Horn's powerful driving motor, creating a mega-missile launcher the Predacon team uses to slash its slimy way into battle. With power and lethality multiplied three times over, Tripredacus prepares to overtake and rule the robotic jungle.
Strength: 10.0
Speed: 9.0
Rank: 10.0
Firepower: 10.0
Intelligence: 10.0
Endurance: 10.0
Courage: 10.0
Skill: 10.0

Review by Beastbot

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