Tripredacus Agent (Wal-Mart Exclusive)
Tripredacus Agent's Beast ModeTripredacus Agent's Robot Mode
Allegiance: Predacon
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Black, silver, creamy gray, chrome gold, and some red and transmetal red
Rating: 8.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Cheetor Transmetal 2. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Cheetor Transmetal 2 here.)

    When I first saw Tripredacus Agent on the toy shelves, I had only one word in mind: WOW. It is simply amazing how much a toy can be improved upon merely by changing the color scheme. The yellows and purples of Cheetor Transmetal 2 have been replaced by black and a very rich transmetal gold. This color combination also changes the beast mode from that of a Transmetal 2 cheetah to that of a Transmetal 2 panther. This color scheme rocks and rocks it hard. A black and gold combination, with some silver, red and gray in the mix as well, is one of the best color schemes I've seen on a Transformer to date. The Maximal spark crystal under a panel in the upper leg has been replaced by a Predacon spark crystal to reflect Tripredacus Agent's alliance. This toy, being an agent of the Tripredacus Council and having the beast mode of a panther, bears a resemblance to Beast Wars Ravage in a certain way. In fact, many Transfans have taken to calling "Tripredacus Agent" Ravage instead.
    No mold changes have been made to this toy, so Tripredacus Agent retains all the flaws and features as Cheetor Transmetal 2, mold-wise. Also, this toy is only available at the Wal-Mart store chain, hence the "Wal-Mart Exclusive" sub-title.
    This toy is a HUGE improvement over its predecessor, with the great color scheme. Highly recommended.

Tripredacus Agent Bio:
FUNCTION: Covert Intelligence Operative
MOTTO: "Deception is the nemesis of detection."
His outer appearance resembles that of a Maximal, but within beats the fuel pump of a devious espionage agent! A former saboteur, this agent adopted several aliases while involved in the Beast Wars. As an assassin he works best when operating solo. His irradiated spark, which was salvaged by the Vok, allows him to cloak his energy signature. Carries a low-radiation proton bomb launcher with laser targeting. His only weakness is sensitivity to bright light.
Strength: 6.5
Intelligence: 8.6
Speed: 8.2
Endurance: 7.1
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 8.6
Firepower: 5.8
Skill: 9.4

Review by Beastbot

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