(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Titans Return Autobot Rewind. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Titans Return Autobot Rewind here.)
It was inevitable; any
cassette or cassette-like minion for one cassette player-like TF has got
to be redeco/remolded for the other! And thus out of Rewind we have Rumble.
His colors are very Rumble-y (assuming you're of the "Rumble is Red, Frenzy
is Blue" persuasion), with red and black making up his primary colors.
The red's a pretty good, vibrant shade without being loud, though the black
is a "charcoal-y" shade that I think would've looked better as a more "pure"
black shade for better contrast. Charcoal black plastic always just looks
dirty, in my opinion. There's also some light muddy brown paint on his
tank treads, a small detail near the bottom top of the smartphone mode,
and some details on his shoulders and chest. It's a pretty decent accent
color, and contrasts against the black pretty well. The chest details are
very well-done, and really help to sell this more as Rumble and not Rewind,
with the painted details very much like his G1 robot mode's chest. In robot
and smartphone modes the colors are pretty well broken up, with the red
on the smartphone mode almost looking like a "case" around the phone--
very nice. In tank mode, though, all the red is piled on top, with even
the long gun red, so not so crazy with the color breakup there. Just like
with the other smartphone Legends, Rumble has stickers used for his smartphone
"screen", which unfortunately can peel slightly after repeated transformations.
The details on them are pretty cool, though-- we've got two images that
show images like Rumble is scanning the density of the Earth nearby so
he knows how to most effectively pull off his signature move; a sound equalizer
window; a com log window (the text is far too small to read); and some
sort of "heat signature"-like image of an Autobot on screen. Pretty neat,
well-thought-out details.
Rumble has a new headsculpt
and... it's pretty Rumble-y. He's got the front little forehead crest along
the side crests on his head, a red visor, and a silver face with a troublemaking-looking
look on it. No complaints here. Otherwise, no mold changes have been made
to Titans Return Rumble.
Titans Return Rumble
is a solid redeco of Rewind, taking the best of the smartphone molds and
giving it more interesting colors. Definitely my single most recommended
smartphone TF from the line.
Review by Beastbot