Silverbolt (Universe)
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Purple, black, flat greenish yellow, light red, and some silver, purplish black, bright green, and gunmetal silver
Rating: 9.4

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the Fuzor Silverbolt. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the Fuzor Silverbolt here.)

    Silverbolt's color scheme immediately grabs your eye in the toy isle and puts it in a stranglehold until you buy him. Egads, purple and black with yellow accents already goes together well enough, but then they had to go and add that freakin' awesome "Energon radiation" pattern on his back. Said pattern takes up most of his back, and is red on the outside, fading into silver at the center. But that's not all- a darker, gunmetal silver color is used for lightning-esque "bolts" throughout his back, too. (Hey, silver bolts... heh, I just got that.) It looks absolutely eye-watering awesome. The yellow accents on his body work very well, and there's just enough of them where you don't get sick of the color. Plus, Silverbolt has green eyes, man! And a slitted eye in beast mode! How can you NOT like that!?
    Silverbolt also has a slight mold change- his "belly" in robot mode has been remolded so that an Autobot spark crystal can fit in there. Nifty. The hinges that hold together his waist also hold up much better than they did on some of the earlier batches of the original Fuzor Silverbolt, so no problems there.
    Basically, you will either love or hate Silverbolt's new color scheme. I absolutely, positively LOVE it, and consider it the best repaint EVER as of this writing (9/03). But others think it's ugly because of its impracticality. I can certainly overlook that for this awesome of a color scheme, though.

Silverbolt Bio:
FUNCTION: Aerial Assault/Tracker
MOTTO: "Even in the face of the darkest nights, justice will ultimately prevail."
Hailed as a Maximal hero by the general populace for his role in the liberation of Cybertron from the Megatron's rule, Silverbolt had finally been able to recover from the nightmare of the constant battle, and begin an idyllic life with his love, Blackarachnia. However, once Unicron, the ancient monster planet resurfaced to threaten the cosmos, this new dawn of peace and prosperity for the reborn Cybertron had abruptly been cut short as the planet's populace must again prepare for battle against the ultimate evil. Silverbolt exemplifies the finest qualities that one might expect from Primus' defenders: He is an honorable and brave fighter, righteous in his cause, and noble in his bearing. In his newly reformatted Fuzor body, Silverbolt has reverted to the powerful form he started out with in the beast wars. In beast mode Silverbolt possesses keen olfactory sensors enabling him to track his prey like a bloodhound. In both modes Silverbolt boasts both superior speed and agility. In robot mode his main weapons are bio-mechanically created feather weaponry that can be fashioned into swords or launched as explosive missiles. In the battle against Unicron, Silverbolt's primary goal is to save and recover Blackarachnia from the Chaos Bringer's corrupting influence. However, his feelings for her are even stronger than his own sense of preservation, and can easily be exploited by his enemies.
Strength: 4.0
Intelligence: 7.0
Speed: 8.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 7.0
Courage: 9.0
Fireblast: 4.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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