Snarl (Universe)
Beast ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Shiny charcoal black, flat tannish brown, yellow, transparent dark red, and some dark red, light red, silver, and glossy purple
Rating: 8.9

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Beast Machines Snarl. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Beast Machines Snarl here.)

    Holy crud! Snarl looks like he just crawled out of a flaming meteor impact crater! Back, spawn of Unicron! Oh, wait, he's a good guy... Well, regardless, this is a really, really, REALLY cool color scheme Snarl's decked out in this time. The black, yellow, red, and purple work absolutely magnificently together. He's got paint detailing practically all over his body, so there's certainly no short of it at all. The brown also looks decent on the mane, although it doesn't blend it quite as well with the rest of the colors. What really captures one's attention, though, is the AWESOME "Energon radiation" on the mane. The silver, red, and yellow streaks combine so well together! It looks like his mane is on fire! This, coupled with the color scheme and the slits on the eyes, actually makes Snarl look really... evil... in lion mode, although he still looks like "a good guy" in robot mode.
    No mold changes have been made to Snarl.
    Wow, what a redeco. I'd recommend this over the Beast Machines Snarl color scheme any day of the week- and the Beast Machines color scheme was STILL pretty good! I can't possibly think of a better color scheme for ol' Snarl here. Buy him noooow.

Snarl Bio:
FUNCTION: Matrix Templar/Strategist
MOTTO: "The greater my adversary, the sweeter the victory."
A strategic genius, cunning hunter, and deadly warrior, Snarl is invaluable to the shared Maximal/Autobot cause. He serves his mentor, Alpha Trion, the avatar of Primus, to further the will of Cybertron itself. In both robot and lion forms, Snarl is an exceptionally capable fighter, with an intellect as keen as his razor sharp claws. Has an incredible awareness of his surroundings, almost impossible to surprise. Through his intense training as a Matrix Templar, he has developed the uncanny ability see into his opponent's sparks, to sense their weaknesses and exploit them to his advantage. Has an ambush style of attack that rarely leaves his enemies the option of survival. In his lion mode Snarl possesses superior agility as well as lightning speed. Outfitted with special stealth armor making him virtually undetectable to most monitoring devices. In robot mode, his tail coverts to blade weapon. Can focus and channel his own spark energies into powerful electrical blasts through the blade and his claws. In the battle against Unicron's corrupting influence, he must fight against his own predatory instincts, as his lust for battle may easily prove his own undoing.
Strength: 4.0
Intelligence: 9.2
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 5.2
Rank: 7.2
Courage: 9.7
Fireblast: 4.2
Skill: 8.9

Review by Beastbot

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