Clone Pilot (V-19 Torrent Starfighter)
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Pale brownish off-white, dark brick red, and some transparent tinted plastic, white, dull metallic gold, metallic orange, light chalky bluish gray, dark gray, dark dull military green, metallic dark red, and black
Rating: 6.9

    This time around, the Clone Pilot has the alternate mode of a V-19 Torrent Starfighter. With its wings fully extended, this thing looks freaking HUGE, though obviously a lot of that has to do with the large, flat wings. Its actual "flight mode" has the wings down below the body of the starfighter, so you can't really stand it up like that, though the wings can also fold up and into themselves, and two landing gear can extend for a "landing mode" so you can actually place it on something. This Clone Pilot's mold detailing is fair, thoguh in all honestly it's a bit sparse in comparison to other SWTFs in vehicle mode. Still, this is probably to still make the mode look sleek and all that. There's one really obvious mech mode extra that really irks me, and that's the legs which stuck out of the bottom of the main part of the body. I mean, they don't even TRY to mesh. Other than that, though, this mode is pretty extra-free, and the proportions look pretty spot-on, so no problems there. The V-Wing also has two trigger-activated missile launchers on the ends of each of its main wings, though they can pop off rather easily. In fact, the whole toy feels rather loose, and though most things don't actually just fall off by looking at them, the whole thing feels more fragile than it should-- particularly the wings. This is not one toy that's meant to be thrown around casually.
    The Clone Pilot's Mech mode is definitely one of the least impressive of the Star Wars Transformers robot modes. The core mech proportions are pretty solid-- no overly stick-like arms here, though a minor quibble in this aspect is that the legs come off of the sides of the pelvis in a rather odd manner. As far as articulation, he can move at the neck, shoulders, elbows (at two points), wrists, waist (though it's limited), hips (at two points), knees (at two points), and ankles. That all sounds pretty good except for the shoulders (which can only move back-and-forth), but all that stuff hanging off of the back, in combination with the small feet, make it rather unlikely you're going to get any particularly dynamic poses out of the Clone Pilot, here. And that's what most of the points taken off of Clone Pilot's score are for-- just the ridiculous amount of backpack kibble he's got. I mean, at least two of the wings fold up, but they're still really large proportionally and having that huge tailfin and engines hanging off of his back without anywhere to really lock into place sure isn't doing him any favors. Also, as mentioned earlier, many of his joints are rather loose, particularly when it comes to his wings, and things can snap off easily (though at least they can peg back on easily). The Mech mode detailing is pretty good, adding some white to the color scheme, though it's still a rather bland color scheme, with the dark red and the bit of black providing the only real contrast against all those light colors. The head sculpt is quite well-done, though, with tons of mold and paint details. As far as weaponry, Clone Pilot has his two missile launchers from vehicle mode that can be held in his hands as guns-- however, they have those darn knobs instead of pegs for the Clone Pilot to hold onto, so they fall out of his hands far too easily. As with other Star Wars TFs released in the Clone Wars packaging, Clone Pilot has a openable cockpit complete with all the appropriate details inside, but he doesn't come with a miniature pilot figure.
    The V-19 Torrent Starfighter Clone Pilot is one of the worse SWTFs figures. His vehicle mode is pretty cool-- though also rather loose-- but his mech mode is just so laden down with vehicle kibble any upsides it has are just completely overwhelmed by all that kibble and limited articulation. Not recommended except for line completists.

Clone Pilot (V-19 Torrent) Bio:
The clone pilot flies his V-19 Torrent starfighter toward the Separatist army, pouring down blaster fire from the sky above. The Separatists launch their own fighters into the air, sure of an easy victory against the lone attacker – until the clone pilot morphs his fighter into a powerful mech that quickly scatters the Separatist forces in all directions!

Review by Beastbot

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