Clone Pilot (V-Wing Redeco)
Vehicle ModeMech Mode
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Tanish off-white, off-white, light chalky gray, black, and some dull metallic gold, transparent light blue, dark maroon, and silver
Rating: 7.3

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to the SWTF Shock Trooper. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of the SWTF Shock Trooper here.)

    This time around the V-Wing clone pilot has been done up in more "Empire-friendly" colors-- i.e., monochrome, for the most part. Like most Star Wars Transformers, an off-white forms the main color, with light gray being the main secondary color. Some of the off-white is a bit brownish in shade, though, making it a tad more eye-catching. Black is used in significant amounts on the wings and parts of the mech mode, though, and that contrasts fairly well with the white and gray. Still, it's pretty boring particularly in vehicle mode. The chest in mech mode is really the only part that I particularly like the look off--the nice triangular black designs on the side of the chest, and the nice metallic gold "pipes" on the stomach, work quite well together. I really wish that gold had been used in larger amounts on other parts of the mold.
    No mold changes have been made to this Clone Pilot.
    The V-Wing Clone Pilot redeco is honestly pretty boring-looking, with the color scheme being almost entirely monochrome-- parts of the mech mode chest are the only real exception. Given that it's already kind of a below-average mold, I can't recommend this to all but the biggest V-Wing fans, particularly if you're already got the original Shocktrooper, who is himself nothing to write home about.

Clone Pilot (V-Wing Redeco) Bio:
A clone pilot flies a V-wing fighter to search for forces still loyal to the Jedi after Order 66. Finding an outpost that harbors forces still loyal to the Jedi, the clone pilot morphs his fighter into a gigantic mech that crushes the base and captures the enemies of the Empire!

Review by Beastbot

(Images from Hasbro.)

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