Wideload (Constructicon Maximus component)
Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
Allegiance: Decepticon (Constructicon)
Size: Basic
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Greyish white, black, moderately light green, and some transparent watery blue, yellowish orange, muddy bronze, gray, white, and dull gold
Rating: 7.7

(NOTE: Because this is a repaint, this is not a full-blown review. This mainly covers any changes made to the mold and the color scheme, and merely compares it to Duststorm. For a review on the mold itself, read the review of Duststorm here.)

    Wideload is a good repaint of Duststorm-- in fact, this is the color scheme the toy should probably have had the first time around. Wideload's overall color scheme-- green, black, and off-white-- is fairly original, and is more fitting for a construction vehicle than Duststorm's dark blue. Plus, Wideload has several more colors on him than his mold-brother, and more paint apps, to boot. I really like how detailed his waist is in robot mode, and the few extra details added to the base of the crane arm help to break up all the green. The gold-on-black scheme used for Wideload's face also looks significantly better than Duststorm's red-on-light-blue. The transparent blue plastic used for the Energon weapon goes fairly well with Wideload's other color as well, though admittedly not as well as with Duststorm, since the latter's color scheme was almost exclusively blue anyways. In fact, my only real complaint when it comes to Wideload's colors are that the yellow windows are a bit out-of-place and overly "kiddish"-- what's so hard about putting a realistic silvery-blue paint app on the windows instead?
    No mold changes have been made to Wideload-- however, he does have a new blue Powerlinx symbol on the top of his rear drivers' cockpit, whereas many of the Duststorms didn't have this symbol. Also, the joints on my Wideload are a lot tighter (in a good way) than the joints on my Duststorm, though this could just be my toys.
    Wideload is a very nice repaint, with an original color scheme and more paint apps than his predecessor. Even though he's still definitely not the greatest Energon gestalt limb out there, he's certainly a step above Duststorm.

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Review by Beastbot

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