Wolfang Toy
Allegiance: Maximal
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Blue, grey, and black, with a touch of white on the paws and underside of the wolf head and some light green
Rating: 6.6

    Beast mode is a wolf. No obvious clue he’s a robot except the back of his back legs are blue, and his underside is his robot chest. Basically good-looking in this mode, with nice detailing. The articulation in this mode is very limited, only allowing his back legs to move.
    Robot mode isn’t all that great, though. There are a lot of extras, including giant wolf head shoulder blades, and little “flesh plates” in his middle that hang out and get in the way. He has a big shield, though, and a gun that can shoot grappling-hook-shaped missles. And, when you aren't using his missles, they are stored backwards in his stomach, so it looks like he has little spikes protruding out of his abdomen- a nice touch. His mask looks nice, but his robot face under it has a BIG chin!
    A good toy, but it has limited articulation in beast mode and lots of extras in robot mode.

Wolfang Bio:
FUNCTION: Infantry
A pair of glowing eyes pierce the night like twin lasers scanning for prey. Steel-plated fangs glisten as the full moon rises. A deep growl rumbles in the night air. It is Wolfang, the warrior beast, searching for Predacon enemies! Swift and agile, prefers to hunt cloaked as an animal. But quickly converts to robot mode for battle, when he can best utilize the secret attack launcher disguised as his tail!
Strength: 8.0
Intelligence: 5.0
Speed: 9.0
Endurance: 5.0
Rank: 5.0
Courage: 9.0
Firepower: 6.0
Skill: 8.0

Review by Beastbot

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